Thursday, September 12, 2013

Fathwa, - Wife is sinful for using contraceptives without husband's permission

if the woman using birth control without husband permitting, one year
age she used plaster on her arm to, when I see it she lied and say is
just head pain, then after had argument with her she stopped using
that method and was sorry then since last year to date I was trying to
have baby and last week told me she is used pregnant pills I was very
upset for lie after lie, could you tell me how big is sins for using
pills not once twice and lying to me and what should she do for doing
thing against your husband
All perfect praise be to Allaah, The Lord of the Worlds. I testify
that there is none worthy of worship except Allaah, and that
Muhammadis His slave and Messenger.
Having children is the right of both husband and wife, and it is not
permissible for one of them to prevent the other from this right
without his/her permission as we clarified in Fatwa 87376.
Therefore, if your wife had used contraceptive pills without your
permission then she has made a mistake, and if she did so while
knowing its ruling, then she is sinful. Moreover, lying to her husband
in order to prevent him from his right is another sin. So, she must
repent to Allaah and seek the pardon of her husband.For more benefit
about the conditions of sincere repentance, she must obey her husband
and not take these pills without his permission.
Allaah Knows best.

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