Friday, September 13, 2013

Fathwa, - When teeth bleeding necessitates washing mouth

salaam aleikoum dear shaykh, Many times when I use a stick to clean my
teeth in the car they bleed, then i get veru distressed because blood
is najis. Can I get rid of this blood by spitting it out and then it's
taahir/clean or it it required that I first go to a bathroom and clean
it with water to not extend the najasah with is in my mouth? jazaka
Allahu gairan. wassalamoe aleikoum
All perfect praise be to Allaah, The Lord of the Worlds. I testify
that there is none worthy of worship except Allaah, and that Muhammad,
is His Slave and Messenger.
If the blood is much and flows in a way that it is difficult for you
to wash it whenever it bleeds, then it is sufficient for you to spit
it and you are not required to wash it; otherwise, wash it because the
basic ruling is that it is obligatory to wash the mouth from impurity
as stated in Mughni Al-Muhtaaj: "The mouth should be washed from
Asnaa Al-Mataalib which is one of the Shaafi'i books reads:
"Al-Athra'i said that it is likely that whoever suffers a lot from gum
bleeding, to the extent that it always or often occurs, he is excused
due to having what is difficult for him to avoid, and it is sufficient
for him to spit it, and its remnants are also pardoned, and he is not
obliged to wash the blood all day because it is assumed that the gum
always bleeds or bleeds from time to another and it may increase if he
washes it." ]End quote[
Similarly, Fat-h Al-'Aliyy Al-Maalik which is one of the Maaliki books
reads: ")I have received this question:( "What is your opinion
regarding the one whose gums or teeth bleed uncontrollably, is it
obligatory on him to spit it? Is he commanded to wash blood from his
mouth? Or if he swallows it while he is fasting, will that break his
fasting or what is the solution? Please, answer us." I have answered
that question saying: "All perfect praise be to Allaah and peace and
blessings be upon our Prophet Muhammad, the Messenger of Allaah. If
that bleeding is abundant and does not stop, then it will be pardoned
and one will not be ordered to spit it or wash it."" ]End quote[
Allaah Knows best.

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