Thursday, September 5, 2013

Fathwa, - She says someone called Al-Faarooq visits her heart to teach her Quran

Hi I have a friend who is 19 years of age she is VERY religious and
inshallah will have memorized the whole Quran by the end of this year
Inshallah. She told me about some "man" called the farooq)الفاروق(
that comes to her not by image or by voice but by heart? As in Ican't
hear him if he talks she can only hear him in her heart and she said
hewon't come if she's on her period and he will only come if she reads
the morning and eveningduaas and he helps her memorize the Quran and
hadeeth and he told her he is not a jinn or a angel. She never lies
and her life is a very bad one where her dad comes in at night
sometimes and tries to touch her but shedoesn't allow it and she is
scared one day she won't be able to stop cuZshe has no where to go and
she has other bad things in her life that have happened where once
when she was five she was blind for a couple if years but then
regained her sight and this "farooq" came to herafter her protector )
her grandmother( died . He helps her with her problems and she tells
him everything and the only thing he wants fromher is for her to
spread islam that's it she is sunniof course so he is not trying to
spread the wrong word and she knows soooo much bec of him and I'm
confused bec I do believe her but I don't know can this be true? She
said he only goes to a person that he is sure can memorize the Quran
and learn about islam and he told her he does not know the futureso
not to ask him about itbut he can interpret her dreams and our dreams
too and he basically triedto lead her to the righteous way but she
CANNOT see him ever or hear his voice out loud only in her mind do
they talk? She tried to see if he would leave her aloneso for one year
she nevercalled for him and he did leave her alone so that means if
she does want him to leave he would but have u ever heard of a farooq
going to a religious person and helping them memorize the Quran with
beautiful terteel and spread the word of islam? Jazakom Allah khayr
All perfect praise be to Allaah, The Lord of the Worlds. I testify
that there is none worthy of worship except Allaah, and that Muhammad,
is His Slave and Messenger.
There is no such man called the Faarooq who comes to those who are
religiously committed to help them. It is most likely that these are
illusions which that girl suffers from. We advise her to keep doing
good deeds, offer acts of worship, be keen on having the company of
good women, seeking the beneficial knowledge, and reciting recommended
Ruqyah and Athkaar. There is no harm if she visits a Muslim
If what she mentioned about her father is true, then she should beware
of him and avoid being in seclusion with him. Allaah Knows best.

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