Wednesday, September 18, 2013

Fathwa, - Niqab in Ihram

Is it necessary for a woman to cover her face during Ihram (during
Umrah/Hajj)? Will she be excused for not covering her face due to the
difficulties associated with niqabs hanging from baseball caps?
Insha'Allah as soon as my state of Ihram is complete, I would wear the
Niqab but what about during the days of ihram?
In the name of Allah, Most Compassionate, Most Merciful,
The ruling in the Hanafi Madhhab (and even in other madhhabs) is that,
although the face is not considered to be part of one�s nakedness
(awra), it is necessary to cover it, due to the fitna involved in not
doing so. This is the transmitted position in the Hanafi School, as
mentioned in virtually all the major fiqh books.
Some contemporary scholars have a more lenient approach to this issue,
especially in the West. However, my understanding is (according to
what I have learnt from my teachers) that a woman is required to cover
her face even in the west except in dire situations.
As such, if you are travelling for Hajj, and you normally cover your
face at home, then you must cover it whilst in the state of Ihram
also. However, if it becomes very difficult, in that it becomes
virtually impossible to wear the niqab (even with a cap, etc), and you
fear harm onto yourself, then in such a case you will be excused in
leaving the face exposed, but try to keep the face away from
non-Mahram men whenever reasonably possible.
And Allah knows best

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