Monday, September 30, 2013

Fathwa, - Listening to Female Naat Singers

I was listening to some Naats yesterday and was told that it was not
religious to do so as a woman was singing it. I just wanted to know
whether this was true or not. The naat in question is Shahe-Madina.
Wa Alaykum Assalam wa Rahmatullah wa Barakatuhu,
In the Name of Allah, Most Merciful & Compassionate
From a previous question answered by Shaykh Muhammad ibn Adam al-Kawthari:
From the contemporary scholars, Dr. Wahaba al-Zuhayli from Damascus
writes in his famous 'al-Fiqh al-Islami wa Adillatuhu:
"It is Haram (unlawful) to listen to the voice of a female, which is
in a melodious and musical tone, even if it is by reciting Qur'an"
(Vol:1, P755).
In conclusion, it is evident that a male should avoid listening to the
Nasheed and Na'at of non-Mahram females. Similarly it is necessary
that the females do not sing in front of non-Mahram men, whether in
their presence or by recording their voices and releasing albums.

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