Friday, September 6, 2013

Fathwa, - Is it permitted for women to pray in circumstances which allow for passersby to see their rear

Is it permitted for women to pray in circumstances which allow for
passersby to see their rear ends while in ruku or sadjah? (e.g.
praying in public when out on errands or traveling)
Assalamu Alaykum wa Rahmatullah,
It is not merely permittedfor women to pray in public when there is no
private place to pray: rather, it is obligatory forthem to pray. The
Divine Command to pray within the appointed times, unconditionally.
Allah tells us,
�Prayer at fixed times has been enjoined on the believers.� [Qur�an, 4.103]
As for feeling a sense of modesty or shame or fear when praying in
public, one should realize that Allah is more deserving of our
modesty, shame, and fear than people are. TheBeloved Messenger of
Allah (Allah bless him andgive him peace) told us,
�Allah is more deserving of one�s modesty than people are.� [Tirmidhi,
Abu Dawud, and others; mentioned by Bukhari ina chapter heading, and
textually with similar wording]
And Allah alone gives success.

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