Wednesday, September 25, 2013

Fathwa, - Is it immodest to tell my brothers that I am not fasting b/c of my period

Is it permissible for a woman to allow her mahrams to notice that she
is not fasting due to her period (during Ramadan)? Some cultures view
it as "immodest"? However, practically speaking, it becomes a burden
trying to eat while not being noticed by the guys in your house. What
is the Islamic perspective on this?
In the name of Allah Most Merciful Most Compassionate
I pray you are well and in the best of health and iman.
It is permissible for a woman's mahrams to know she is menstruating.
Modest or not would go back to the norms of your household and
culture. From the etiquette of Islam it might be better to take your
food to your room and eat while your brothers are fasting especially
if your eating would cause them fitna or you could ask them to leave
the kitchen because you don't want to eat in front of them.
And Allah alone gives success.

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