Saturday, September 21, 2013

Dought & clear, - Saying a du’aa ‘from the Qur’aan when prostrating.

I am new to Islam and I have learned that it is not allowed to recite
the quran while in prostration. But that is that best time to make
du'a as one is nearest to his Creator. My question is what about the
du'a's that we have that are from the Quraan. Are we allowed to make
du'a with them in prostration? Or is that considered reciting?.
Praise be to Allaah.
The Messenger(peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) forbade
reciting Qur'aan when bowing and prostrating.
Muslim (479) narrated that Ibn 'Abbaas (may Allaah be pleased with
him) said: The Messenger of Allaah(peace and blessings of Allaah be
upon him) said: "I have been forbidden to recite the Qur'aan when
bowing or prostrating. As for bowing, glorify your Lord therein, and
as for prostrating, strive in du'aa', for it is deserving of a
response (from your Lord)."
Muslim (480) narrated that 'Ali ibn Abi Taalib (may Allaah be pleased
with him) said: The Messenger of Allaah(peace and blessings of Allaah
be upon him) forbade me to recite Qur'aan when bowing and prostrating.
The scholars are agreed that it is makrooh to recite Qur'aan when
bowing or prostrating.
Seeal-Majmoo', 3/411;al-Mughni, 2/181
The wisdom behind that is:
It was said that the best pillar of prayer is standing and the best of
dhikr is reciting Qur'aan, so the best has been put with the best, and
it is not allowed to put it with anything else, lest anyone think that
it is equal to other kinds of dhikr.'Awn al-Ma'bood.
It was said that it is because the Qur'aan is the noblest of speech,
because it is the Word of Allaah, and the position of bowing and
prostration is one of humility and submission on the part of the
worshipper, so it is more appropriate not to recite the Word of Allaah
in these two positions.Majmoo'al-Fataawa, 5/338
If a person recites a du'aa' that is mentioned in the Qur'aan when
prostrating, such as the words (interpretation of the meaning):"Our
Lord! Give us in this world that which is good and in the Hereafter
that which is good, and save us from the torment of the Fire"
[al-Baqarah 2:201], there is nothing wrong with that, if the intention
is to say du'aa' and not to recite Qur'aan, because the Prophet(peace
and blessings of Allaah be upon him) said: "Actions are but by
intentions, and each person will have but that which he intended."
Narrated by al-Bukhaari, 1; Muslim, 1907.
Al-Zarkashi said: It is makrooh when it is intended as recitation of
Qur'aan, but if it is intended as du'aa' and praise, then it is like
someone who did Qunoot by reciting a verse. End quote.
Doing Qunoot by reciting a verse from the Qur'aan is permissible and
is not makrooh.
Tuhfat al-Muhtaaj, 2/61
Al-Nawawi said inal-Adhkaar(p. 59)
If a person does Qunoot by reciting a verse which includes a du'aa',
then he has done Qunoot, but it is better to say the du'aa' as
narrated in the Sunnah. End quote.
This applies if he intends to say du'aa' when he recites the verse.
Seeal-Futoohaat al-Rabbaaniyyah Sharh al-Adhkaar al-Nawawiyyahby Ibn
'Allaan, 2/308
The scholars of the Standing Committee were asked: We know that it is
not permissible to recite Qur'aan when prostrating, but there are some
verses which include du'aa's, such as the words,"Our Lord! Let not our
hearts deviate (from the truth) after You have guided us" [Aal 'Imraan
3:8]. What is the ruling on saying such du'aa's that are mentioned in
the Qur'aan, when prostrating?
They replied: There is nothing wrong with that if it is done as a
du'aa' and not as recitation of Qur'aan.

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