Friday, September 6, 2013

Design in nature

Let's think of an aspirin pill for a moment; you will immediately
recall the mark in the middle of it. This mark is designed in order to
help those who intake half a dose. Every product that we see around us
is of a certain design even though not as simple as the aspirin pill.
Everything from vehicles we use to go to work, to TV remotes.
"Design", briefly, means a harmonious assembling of various parts into
an orderly form towards a commongoal. Going by this definition, one
would have no difficulty in guessing that a car is a design. This is
because there is a certain goal, which is to transport people and
cargo. In realization of this goal various parts such as the engine,
tires and body are planned and assembled in the plant.
However, what about a living creature? Can a bird and mechanics of
itsflying be a design as well? Before giving an answer, let us repeat
theevaluation we did for the example of a car. Thegoal at hand, in
this case, is to fly. For this purpose, hollowed bones, strong muscles
that move these bones are utilized together with feathers capable of
suspending in the air. Wings are formed aerodynamically, and
metabolism is in tune with the bird's need for high levels of energy.
It is obvious that the bird is product of a certain design.
If one explores other creatures besides a bird, similar facts are
attained. There are examples of a certain meticulous design in every
creature. If one continues further on thisquest, one would discover
that our selves are also a part of this certain design. Your hands
that hold these pages are functional as no robot hands could ever be.
Your eyes that read these lines are making vision possible with such
focus that the best camera on earth simply cannot.
Hence one arrives at this important conclusion;all creatures in
Nature, including us, are of a Design. This, in turn, shows the
existence of a Creator Who designs all creatures at will, sustainsthe
entire nature and holds absolute power and wisdom.
However, this truth is rejected by the theory ofevolution that was
formed in the middle of 19th century. The theory set forth in Charles
Darwin's book "On The Origin of Species" asserts that all creatures
evolved within a chain of coincidences and essentially mutated fromone
According to the fundamental assertion of this theory all living
things go through minute and coincidental changes. If these
coincidental changes help the creature then it gains advantage over
the others, which in turnis carried onto followinggenerations.
This scenario has been passed around as if it is a very scientific and
convincing one for 140 years. When scrutinized under a bigger
microscope and when compared against the examples of the Design in
creatures Darwin's theory paints a very different picture i.e.
Darwinism's explanationof creation is nothing more than a
self-conflicting vicious circle.
Let us first focus on the"coincidental changes". Darwin could not
provide a comprehensive definition to this concept due to lack of
genealogical knowledgein his time. The evolutionists who followed him
put forth the concept of"mutation" on this subject. Mutation is
arbitrary disconnections,dislocation or shifts of genes in living
things. Most important point is that there is not one single mutation
in history that is shown to improve the condition ofgenetic
information of a creature. Nearly all the known cases of mutations
disable or harm these creatures and the rest are neutral in effect.
Therefore, to think that a creature canimprove through mutation is
same as shooting at a crowd of people and hope that the injuries will
result in healthier and improved individuals. This would clearly be
As importantly, on contrary to all the scientific data, even if one
assumes that a certain mutation could actually improve a being's
condition, Darwinism still cannot be delivered from inevitable
collapse. The reason for this is a concept called"irreducible
The implication of this concept is that majority of systems and organs
inliving things function as a result of various independent parts
working together, elimination or disabling of even one of which would
be enough to disable the entire systemor organ.
For example, an ear perceives sounds only through a chain reactionof a
series of smaller organs. Take out or deform one of these, of
the bones of the middle ear, and there would be no hearing whatsoever.
In order for an ear to perceive a variety of components such as
auditory meatus,malleous, incus and stapes bones, tympanic membrane,
cochlea and fluid, sensory cells, vibration sensor extensions of these
cells, net of nerves that connect to brain and hearing center in the
brain have to work together without exception.
The system could not have developed in segments because none of the
segments could possibly function alone at all.
Hence the concept of irreducible complexity demolishes the theory
ofevolution from its foundations. What is really interesting is the
fact that Darwin also worried about these very prospects. He wrotein
OnThe Origin of Species:
"If the impossibility of formation of a complex organ through a series
of small changes was ever to be proven my theory would have certainly
collapsed. However I could not findsuch an organ..."(CharlesDarwin,The
Origin of Species: A Facsimile of the First Edition, HarvardUniversity
Press, 1964, page 189.)
Darwin could not or might not have wanted to find such an organ at the
premature levels of 19th century science. However the science of 20th
century did study the nature down to minute details and proved that
majority of living structures embodyirreducible complexity. Therefore,
Darwin's theory has most"certainly collapsed" just as he feared.
As we examine the livingbeings we will not only see an immense error
Darwinism makes but also witness the greatness of wisdom that these
systems were created with. These mechanisms will be found anywhere
from the wings of a bird to inside a bat's skull. Hence we will see
the indisputable evidences of God's creation without error. Likewise,
the power and faculty ofGod to create without error is expressed in a
surah of Qur'an as follows:
"He is God - the Creator, the Maker, the Giver of Form. To Him belong
the Most Beautiful Names. Everything in the heavens and earth
glorifies Him. He is the Almighty, the All-Wise."(Qur'an, Al-Hashr,

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