Friday, September 6, 2013

20 The Beauty and Variety of Clothing in the Garden: - (Jannah: The Garden from the Qur'an and Hadith) -

Everyone likes to wear fine clothing of quality fabrics, and the
various colours of the beautiful clothing of the Garden will appeal to
all the people there. No matter how fine clothing is in this world,
there will always be some imperfection. In time, all clothing becomes
old, itscolours fade and the wearer loses the pleasure he had when he
first wore it. How much clothing a person has in this world is not
important, because the pleasure he derives fromit is limited by his
lifespan, among other things. Like all other things, this too is left
behind at the time of death. However, clothing in the Garden is
flawless in its beauty and variety and lasts forever.
The clothing of the people of the Garden is created for their comfort.
The clothing they wear will not cause them any discomfort in the
perfect beauty of theGarden. In the Garden, clothing does not fade,
wrinkle, become soiled or grow old as it does in this world, and there
areno preparatory stages such as weaving the fabric and sewing the
garment. By Allah's blessing, everything in the Garden is already
perfectly prepared. Here are some more details about the clothing
believers will wear in the Garden:
… The garments of the Garden are not woven. The fruits of the Garden
split open and garments emerge from them… (Mukhtasar Tadhkirah
al-Qurtubi, p. 21) Whoever enters the Garden will live in happiness.
He will want for nothing, his clothingwill not grow old and hisyouth
will not end. (Imam Ghazzali, Ihya Ulum ad-Din, vol. 4)
…the leaves [of the date-palms in the Garden] are clothing to be worn
by the people of the Garden. One part are undergarments, onepart are
lined over-garment. (Mukhtasar Tadhkirah al-Qurtubi, p. 314)
… They [the inmates of the Garden] will proclaim the glory of Allah
morning and evening… each wife willhave seventy dresses. (Imam
Ghazzali, Ihya Ulum ad-Din, vol. 4)
But Allah will admit those who have iman and do right actions into
Gardens with rivers flowing under them where they will be adored with
gold bracelets and pearls, and where their clothing will be of silk.
(Surat al-Hajj, 23)
Allah also says in the Qur'an that clothing will be rich and made of silk:
They will wear green garments of fine silk andrich brocade… (Surat al-Insan: 21)
But Allah will admit those who have iman and do right actions
intoGardens with rivers flowing under them where they will be adorned
with gold bracelets and pearls, andwhere their clothing willbe of
silk. (Surat al-Hajj: 23)
The human spirit has been created so that it takes pleasure in form,
symmetry, beauty, purity, order, harmony of colour, in short, in
perfection. All colours and sights in nature correspond most to this
delight in the human spirit.
The places that people choose to relax and be comfortable in are often
closely associated with natural beauty: woods, forests, seacoasts and
river banks. With their clean air and open spaces and often near
water, these give peoplea sense of well-being and happiness.
Places far from natural beauty where there is no sunshine and fresh
air do not appeal to human beings.
They will have fruits there and whatever they request. 'Peace!' A word
from a Merciful Lord. (Surah Ya Sin: 57-58)
One of the reasons why we human beings look for natural beauty is
because Allah has created us to take pleasure in the beauties of the
Garden. Whether a person is aware of it ornot, he is waiting for
theblessings of the Garden. Allah describes the Garden to us in the
Qur'an with all the attributes of nature:
But those who have iman and do right actions will have Gardens with
rivers flowing under them. That is the Great Victory. (Surat al-
Buruj: 11)
Shaded by spreading branches. (Surat ar-Rahman: 48)

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