Tuesday, August 6, 2013

Ways we can cope with our own illness-II

Be confident that Allaah knows what is best for you:You should palce
your trust in Allaah and must remember that you do not know the wisdom
behind this trial, perhaps it will make you stronger and lead you on a
path to a better life. We should never limit Allaah's wisdom to our
comprehension level, because wewill never be able to comprehendit — it
is above our capability to understand .We should, however,know for a
certainty that Allaah does not intend harm because it is harmful. Harm
with Allaah is not intended for itself but for other things that may
bring good.
Ibn Uthaymeen, may Allaah have mercy upon him, said: "Allaah doesn't
particularly intend harm for a person when He causes him to become
ill. Allaah intends for the disease to take place and the disease is
what may harm man. But He did not intend harm for man. He intends for
him only the good from it. Sometimes, the Divine Wisdom may be
apparent to the sick, and sometimes it maynot. As Allaah has said
)what means(:"And fear a trial which will not strike those who have
wronged among you exclusively, and know that Allaah is severe in
penalty."]Quran 8:25[
Remember Allaah and ask Him forforgiveness much:Alisaid: "When Allaah
guides His servants to ask for forgiveness, He helps them to achieve
what they request." Allaah has said )what means(:"But Allaah would not
punish them while you are amongst them. And Allaah wouldnot punish
them while they seek forgiveness."]Quran 8:33[
Allaah has told us that He would not punish someone who seeks
forgiveness, because sincere forgiveness removes the sin that is the
reason for the punishment.The Prophetsaid:"He who is constant in
seeking forgiveness, Allaah will make for him a way out of any
distress, release from grief, and provide for him from where he does
not expect it."]Abu Daawood and Ibn Maajah[ So whoever believes in
Allaah alone and seeks forgiveness fromHim, He will provide for him an
appointed term, and whoever does good after that, He will increase him
from His Grace.
Supplicate with a humble heart and a crying eye asking Allaah to cure
you:Try to take advantage ofthe time when supplications are more
likely to be answered, praising Allaah and calling upon Him with His
Beautiful Names. It is also recommended to give something in charity
from the best of your possessions before making your supplications.
Understand and realize that illness is not the end of your life. If
Allaah has taken something from you, think of all the things that He
has given you and all of the things that you still have.
A believer always strives for the pleasure of his Lord and does
notstop because of disease or a trial.The best example is the example
the scholar of this nation; Ibn 'Abbaaswhen he lost his vision and
said: "If Allaah has taken from my eyes their light, itis in my tongue
and heart that I will find the light. My heart is bright and my mind
has no defects. And in my mouth there isa sharp, authentic sword."
Guard the mandatory acts of worship )Faraa'id(:do not neglectthem to
the best of your ability. Ifyou have any questions, ask people of
knowledge. Perform many good and righteous deeds as possible. If
someone else can do them for you on your behalf, this is also
acceptable. Beware of any practice that is not lawful, especially
those against our faith,such as slaughtering animals to anything other
than Allaah, hanging charms, seeking refuge with jinn or going to
When you are physically able, try to occupy your time with beneficial
things like reading. Find activities that you enjoy and that will
distract you from your disease and worries.
Always remember that your faith canand does make miracles:Donot
underestimate the effect of reliance upon Allaah. There are many
incidents that have been witnessed where the impossible becomes
possible by the power of faith.
Although the cure for illness is out of our hands and is up to Allaah
alone, we can still do something to make a difference to those who are
suffering. It is unfortunate that often times we belittle the impact
we can have on others, especially to those who are ill. Just a smile
or a funny story to make someone laugh and forget their worries fora
moment is something that can be remembered for years — because it made
an impact and it made a difference. How many times have we experienced
the impact ourselves in our own liveswhen someone visited us or gaveus
a call - just at the time when we were at our lowest moment? Most of
us will never forget that person who took the time to think about us,
and we always remember them fondly because they — without realizing it
— helped to shine some light on our dark days.

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