Sunday, August 25, 2013

The conquest of Makkah, 20 Ramadan - II

Abu Sufyaan honored
Al-'Abbaasappeared before the Prophet of Allaah, sallalahu alayhi wa
sallam, and submitted, "Abu Sufyaan is a person who loves honor, so
would you please give him some special honor." At this he,sallalahu
alayhi wa sallam, said, "He who enters the Sacred Mosquewill be safe,
he who enters the house of Abu Sufyaan will be safe, and he who shuts
his doors upon himself will be safe." Abu Sufyaan felt elated.
The army on the move surged like an ocean. Different tribes had passed
by with their tribal colors. Abu Sufyaanascended a raised spot
towitness the spectacle of the Muslim troops on the march and hurried
back to Makkah ahead of all toannounce: "He who enters the Sacred
Mosqueor my house will be safe."The Prophet of Allaah, sallalahu
alayhi wa sallam, wanted to avoid bloodshed at all costs. Hisexit from
Makkah in a state of helplessness and then his victorious and glorious
return must have been on his mind. This day he made a triumphant entry
into Makkah with his head lowered giving thanks to Allaah The
Almighty. He, sallalahu alayhi wa sallam, then circumambulated the
Ka'bah seven times mounted on his animal and then cleared the Ka'bah
of idols. He then took the keys of the Ka'bah from 'Uthmaan Ibn
Talhah, and entered the Ka'bah and prayed toAllaah The Exalted.
Following this the Prophet of Allaah, sallalahu alayhi wa sallam,
stood at the door of the Ka'bah, holding its frame, while the Quraysh
arranged themselves in front of him in the courtyard filled with fear
and shame.
Historic Address of the Prophet:
The Prophet said addressing them:"None hasthe right to be worshipped
but Allaah. He has fulfilled His Promise and help to His slave. He has
alone overthrown all the Confederates. All the rites, privileges and
claims to retaliation and blood compensation are beneath my feet
except the custody of the Ka'bah and the giving water to the pilgrims.
Even cutting down agreen tree is not valid within the sanctuary. O you
people of the Quraysh, Allaah has abolished thehaughtiness of paganism
and thepride of lineage. Man comes fromAadam and Aadam came from clay.
Allaah the Almighty Says)what means(:'O mankind, indeed We have
created you frommale and female and made you peoples and tribes that
you may know one another. Indeed, the most noble of you in the sight
of Allaah is the most righteous of you. Indeed, Allaah is Knowing and
Acquainted'.]Quran, 49:13[
O Quraysh! what do you think I am about to do with you?""We hope for
the best," they replied, "You are a noble brother, son of a noble
brother." The Prophet of Allaah said in reply,"I say to you what
Yoosuf )Prophet Joseph( said to his brothers:'Have no fear this day,
go your way for you are all free'."
The address being over, the Prophet, sallalahu alayhi wa sallam, went
up toMountSafaand sat down to take the oath of allegiance to Allaah
and His Messenger from the people. After finishing with men, he
deputed 'Umar to take the oath from the women, and he kept seeking
forgiveness of Allaah for them. Safwaan ibn Umayyah fled toYemenfor
fear of life. Umayr ibn Wahb from his tribe sought safety for him and
he was granted immunity. Safwaan was the man who had resisted the
entry of the Muslims into Makkah and fled from Makkah after the
conquest; so did 'Ikrimah Ibn Abu Jahl, and he too was granted safety.
Both of them had the pleasure of coming to the fold of Islam after the
battle of Hunayn.
The Truth came and Falsehood vanquished
Destruction of idols installed in the Ka'bah meant the destruction of
the idols all overArabia. Likewise, the entry of theQuraysh into Islam
implied the whole Arabiacoming to the fold of Islam, for all eyes were
fixed on the Quraysh of Makkah to see whether they accepted Islam or
After the conquest of Makkah, the Prophet, sallalahu alayhi wa sallam,
announced throughout the land that nobody becoming a Muslim was
allowed to keep an idol in his house.Following this he sent a few
parties to destroy idols installed in the area around Makkah. He sent
Khaalid ibn Al-Waleedat the head of thirty soldiers to break 'Uzzaa,
the idol of Banu Kinaanah and to pull down its temple. Khaalid ibn
Al-Waleed went and broke 'Uzzaa to pieces and razed its temple to the
ground. 'Amr ibn Al-'Aaswas sent to destroy Suwaa', the idol of Banu
Huthayl. When 'Amr ibn Al-'Aas reached the spot, the priest said,"How
will you be able to overpower it?" 'Amr said,"Just watch." Saying this
he entered the temple and broke the idol to pieces. Sa'd ibn Zayd was
sent to Qadeed to destroyManat. The priests were sure the Muslims
would fail in their task but they saw with their own eyes the
believers break the idols and pull the temple down. All idols and
temples were destroyed.
The first priority being completed, the Prophet, sallalahu alayhi wa
sallam, resumed his mission of preaching Islam through Muslim
missionaries and sent them near and far.

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