Monday, August 26, 2013

Story, - Jealousy or what ...

Comments: 3
I have been married for five wonderful years. We have it all mutual
understanding, common interests, good sex life, nothing to complain
about not even financial troubles. But I have a problem.
My husband is one of those charming men withperfect manners who
captivate everyone with ease. That is one of the reasons why I married
him but nowadays this part of his personality makes me nervous.
It really bothers me whenhe pays attention to other women or when they
pay too much attention to him. It doesn't matter if it is a family
friend, a waitress, the next door neighbor or even my sister. I get
unreasonably angry and start thinking he is cheating on me with the
woman he is talking to. I bite my tongue and thinkof a reason why they
should end the conversation.
The monotony is killing me and I think it does thesame to him. So I
don't understand why his innocent flirting is bothering me so much.
I hate that I spoil my ownmood because of such trivial things.

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