Saturday, August 10, 2013

'Replace capitalism with Islamic system’

Board members of the Al Quds)Jerusalem( International Institution
including Attallah)second from left(, Mishal )fourth from left( and
Qaradawi )third from right
Doha-based Islamic scholar Sheikh Yusuf al-Qaradawi has urged Muslim
countries to take advantage of the global financial crisis and build a
new fiscal system which is compatible with Islamic principles.
"We have our own economic philosophy and system which others do not
have. The collapse of the capitalist system, which is based on usury
and securities rather than commodities in markets, shows us that it is
undergoing a crisis and that our integrated Islamic philosophy, if
properly understood and applied,can replace the Western capitalism,"
he said.
"We have all the means of power.We have an abundance of economic and
human resources. If we know how to make the best use of the
opportunity, Muslim countries can build a newsystem among themselves,"
he said.
Qaradawi who was speaking at the opening of the sixth annual meeting
of the Al Quds)Jerusalem( International Institution which got under
way in Doha yesterday, also urged the Palestinian Hamas and Fatah
movement to be "united" for achieving the hope of wresting the control
of Jerusalem from theIsraelis.
"I call on both our brother Khalid Mishal )the head of Hamas( and our
friend Abu Mazin )the Palestinian president( to meet and seek
reconciliation so that they can achieve our hopes. It is not true that
Israel is invincible. We are able to conquer and we will do."
The scholar also warned against what he called "Israel's ongoing
excavations under the Al Aqsa Mosque."
Mishal, the Damascus-based chief of Hamas Political Bureau, raised
doubts about the possibility of reaching any settlement with Israel
via negotiation.
"What should be very clear is thatregaining control of Al Quds and the
any other usurped Palestinianrights would be impossible through
negotiation. Even for thePalestinians refugees' right to return,
Israel does not want evento admit the moral responsibility of
deporting them," he said.
Mishal also blamed both the US and Israel for the "division between
the Palestinian factions"saying that the US and Israel were putting
obstacles in the way of any possible settlement between the
"It is America which undermined the Makkah peace deal. But now both
America and Israel are embroiled in their internal problems," he said,
while observing that the Hamas movement delegate, who is currently in
Cairo, has a reconciliation formula to form a government of national
The three-day meeting will seek to garner support for the protection
of Jerusalem and its holy sites against what they call "Israeli
attempts to Judaise the city and its holy cities."
The meeting brought together some 300 personalities from different
countries as well as NGOs which convened in Doha to discuss ways to
protect and conserve the heritage of Jerusalem.

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