Tuesday, August 6, 2013

Ramalan Articles, - In Ramadan: Why Do They Weep And I Do Not?

One of the causes of prosperity and success in both religious and
worldly affairs is to be honest with oneself, and not to seek false
excuses until the time deathstrikes a person by surprise, and he feels
regretful at a time when regrets will be of no profit to him.
No doubt, the virtue of weeping out of fear of Allaah The Almightyis
great. It is narrated that the Messenger of Allaahsaid: "Allaah will
give shade to seven)types of people( on the Day there will be no shade
other than His", and those seven types of people include: "A person
who remembers Allaah The Almighty in seclusion, thereupon his eyes
overflow with tears."]Al-Bukhaari and Muslim[
A question echoes within many of those who are negligent, and we are
all negligent – we ask Allaah The Almighty to pardon us. When we hear
the noble verses of the Quran being recited,or the Prophetic
Ahaadeeth)narrations( of the Messenger of Allaahor the stories of the
righteous predecessors, we find many soft-hearted people weeping.
Why do they weep and some of us do not?
We all do our best to be submissive and to weep, but some of us
cannot. What is the reason behind this?
The reason is shown by Allaah The Almighty in His statement)which
means(: }No! Rather, the stain has covered their hearts of that which
they were earning.{ ]Quran 83:14[ That is, because oftheir deeds,
their hearts have been veiled from goodness, and they have become more
heedless. That is the real cause ofnot weeping out of fear of Allaah
The Almighty.
Why do they weep?
What enables some of us to be humbly submissive? What makes some
people weep and even takepleasure in doing so, when others do not?
People with soft hearts keep away from sins, focus their attention on
the Hereafter in their secret and public life and when they do so,
their hearts become righteous and their eyes shed tears.
When we lose these characteristics, our hearts become corrupted, and
our eyes do not shed tears.
You should know that the fear of Allaah The Almighty which is followed
by weeping comes and continues only when one abides by the following
actions regularly:
1. To repent to Allaah The Almighty and seek His forgiveness by heart
and tongue, where one turns his face to Him with repentance, fear and
bashfulness before his Lord, The Great, The Forbearing, Who has given
him respite, conferred favors upon him, and guided himto repentance.
This requires a true reflective pause within the soul to take it to
2. To abandon sins and be awareof them, whether they are minor or
major, apparent or hidden. These are the chronic diseases that veil
the heart from closenessto Allaah The Almighty, darken it and bring
about distress.
3. To come closer to Allaah The Almighty with acts of worship such as
fasting, prayer, Hajj, charity, reciting the Athkaar)words of
remembrance( and all good deeds.
4. To remember the Hereafter. Is it not quite strange that although
we know that the world will come to an end, and that the real future
lies in the Hereafter, we still do not work for the sake of this
enduring real future? Allaah The Almighty Says)what means(: }Whoever
should desire the immediate - We hasten for him from it what We will
to whom We intend. Then We have made for him Hell, which he will
]enter to[ burn, censured and banished. But whoever desires the
Hereafter and exerts the effort due to it while he is a believer - it
is those whose effort is ever appreciated]by Allaah[.{ ]Quran
5. To have knowledge of Allaah The Almighty, His Names, Attributes,
and law, in compliance with His statement)which means(: }Only those
fear Allaah, from among His servants, who have knowledge.{ ]Quran
35:28[ It was also said, that the more one knows Allaah The Almighty,
the more he fears Him.
6. To read more often about the spiritual state of the righteous and
emulate them.
In the days of Ramadan, the days of goodness and blessings, there are
great opportunities for one to return to his Lord, when the devils are
chained in fetters, the gates of goodness are opened, and the rewards
of the acts of worship are multiplied. Thus, return to your Lord, draw
close to Him, turn your face to Him, and get rid of the yokes of sins,
and the barriers of misdeeds: it isthen that you will find the eye
shedding tears and the heart submissive.

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