Ramadanis a month in which the devils are shackled, as the Prophet,,
informed us. Indeed, the chaining of the devilsis one of the greatest
means of overcoming them and shielding oneself against their perils.
Abu Hurayrahreported that the Prophet,, said:"When the month of
Ramadan starts, the gates of Paradise are opened and the gates of Hell
are closed and the devils are chained."]Al-Bukhaari, Muslim, Ahmad,
and An-Nasaa'i[
Abu Hurayrahalso narrated that the Prophet,, said:"O people! A great
month has come over you; a blessed month.During it, the gates
toParadiseare opened and the gates of Hellfire are closed, and the
devils are shackled.A month has dawned over you wherein lies a night
better than a thousand months.Whoever is deprived of its good is
indeed deprived."]An-Nasaa'i:Saheeh[
The devils harm man, inflicting pain and suffering upon him.
Theywhisper to man and incite him, foster corruption, and sow the
seeds of discord among people. Devils may possess the bodies of people
or whisper to them, inciting them to commit sins. If the devils are
chained up during the month ofRamadan, then it is a great opportunity
for man to overpower those devils and to destroy theJinns, which
possess human bodies.
What is the meaning of shackling or chaining up as stated inHadeeths?
Al-Haafith Ibn Hajarsaid in his bookAl-Fat-h,"The Hadeeth indicates
that the devils are shackled."
'Iyaadh,said,"The words of the Prophetcould be understood according to
their apparent or intended meaning. It could mean that the devils are
really chained up in the month of Ramadan or it may be
afigurativeexpression indicating restraining them from harming and
inciting humankind. Verily, this is a sign for the angels that the
month of Ramadan has begun, an indication of the sanctity of Ramadan
and a sign of restraining the devils from harming the believers."
"It could also be an indication of theabundant heavenlyrewards
andforgiveness in the month of Ramadan. It could point out thatthe
ability of the devils to tempt and incitepeople wanes just like that
of one who is chained up."
'Iyaadh,also said,"Shackling the devils indicates restraining and
preventing them from tempting and inciting people to commit sins and
beautifyinglusts of the fleshandsinful desires."
Ibn Hajarcited the opinion of Al-Qurtubiregarding the meaning of
shackling the devils. He wrote,"It means that when people observe
thedue conditions and etiquette of fasting, the influence of their
whispers grow less and wane.Fasting weakens the effects of the devils'
whispers on a person and reduces his sins."
However, the words of theHadeethmay mean that some devils, i.e.the
most evil and rebellious onesare shackled, and not all of them,as
mentioned in some narrations.
The words may also suggest that the evil of the devils becomes less
asfasting weakens the effect of their whispers on a personand this is
a tangible fact. It is less likely for man to be influenced by Satanic
evils andwhispers while fasting.
Ibn Muflihsaid,"The devils are chained up in Ramadan according to the
apparent meaning ofthe Hadeeth. However, it could also mean that the
rebellious and most evil devils are shackled as some other narrations
Shaykhul-Islam Ibn Taymiyyahsaid,"The devils are shackled; they become
unable to whisper to fasting people, inciting them to commit evil
deeds like they used to do in other times. A shackled creature is
restrained from doing whatever it wishes. Indeed, the devilsare able
to control and incite the sons of Adam because of their lusts. If
people abstained from satisfying those lusts, then the devils are
In anotherHadeeth)narration(, theProphet,, used the word "chained" to
describe thedevils during the month ofRamadan. Anasnarrated that the
Prophet,, said:"When Ramadan comes, the gates of Heaven are opened,
the gates of Hell are closed, and the devilsare chained."]Ahmad and
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