Saturday, August 10, 2013

Our Prophet (pbuh) Announced the Good News of Jesus' Return

Our Prophet (may God bless him and grant him peace)
Announced the Good News of Jesus' Return
By the One in Whose hand is my self, definitelythe son of Mary will
soon descend among you as a just judge. He will break the cross,
[annul the worship of the cross], kill the pig, [inform that eating
pork is forbidden], and abolish the jizya (a head tax on free
non-Muslims living under Muslim rule). (Sahih al-Bukhari and Sahih
No Prophet shall come during the period between me and Jesus. And
Jesus shall descend. Recognize him when yousee him. He is a man of
medium height and of a ruddy, fair complexion. He will be dressed in
two pieces of a yellow garment. The hair on his head will appear as if
water is trickling out of it, although his hair would not be wet. He
willstruggle for the cause of Islam. And Jesus will make Dajjal (the
Antichrist) ineffective. He will live on this Earth for a period of
forty years, and at the end of this period he will pass away.The
Muslims will offer thefuneral prayers of Jesus. (Abu Dawud)
Certainly, the time of prayer will come and then Jesus (peace be upon
him), son of Mary, descend and will lead them in prayer. When theenemy
of God see him, he will (disappear) just assalt dissolves in water.
(Sahih Muslim)
The world will be placed beneath his feet … His eyes will see the
distancetoo … He will see the unbelievers' castles and villages…
(Muhammad ibn'Abd al-Rasul Barzanji, Al-Isha'ah li Ashrat as-Sa`ah, p.
When their [believers'] Imam would come forward to lead them in
congregation in the morning, Prophet Jesus, son of Mary, (peace be
upon him) would descend upon them in the morning. Upon this, that Imam
would retreat walking backward, so that Prophet Jesus (peacebe upon
him) should come forward to lead people in prayer in congregation. But
he would place his hand in between his shoulders and say: "Come
forward and lead the prayer, for it has been established for you."
(Sunan Ibn Majah)
When the Dajjal faces him [Jesus], he [the Dajjal] will begin to
dissolve like salt in water.He [Jesus] will say to him:"I have to step
in; you cannot escape." So Jesus will make him ineffectivewith his
spear at the gateof Ludd. (Sunan Ibn Majah)
Then Prophet Jesus will come to a people whom God would protect from
Dajjal (anti-Christ). He would then wipe [the traces of hardship from]
their faces and tell them their ranks in Paradise. (Sunan Ibn Majah)

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