Monday, August 5, 2013

Islamic Stories of Prophets: Don't Offer or Receive Bribe

Bilqees then asked her advisors to advise her as to what she should
do. They replied, "We are very strong and have a powerful army to
fight against Sulayman, but the decision is yours and we will obey
your order."
Bilqees was wise and decided not to fight Prophet Sulayman (as).
Instead, she sent him valuable gifts to see whathe would do. When the
messengers of Bilqees arrived in the land of Prophet Sulayman (as) and
saw his glory and hiswealth, they were struck with wonder. They
thought the gifts they had brought were worthless.
Prophet Sulayman (as) became very angry whenhe was presented with the
gifts and said, "What!Do you offer me wealth? What Allah (swt) has
given me is more superior to all the wealthon this earth. Go back to
your queen with her giftsand tell her that I will soon march to
conquer her land with a huge army."
When Bilqees heard whathad happened, she decided to surrender herself
to Prophet Sulayman (as) and make preparations to go meet him.

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