Thursday, August 8, 2013

* How to Perform Eid Prayer

The Eid Prayer has two rak'ah to perform in the normal way, with the
only addition of six takbirs, three of them in the beginning of the
first rak'ah, and three ofthem just before ruku' inthe second rak'ah.
The detailed way of performing the 'Eid prayer is as follows:
The Imam will begin the prayer without Adhan orIqamah. He will begin
the prayer by reciting takbir of Tahrimah (Allahu Akbar). You should
raise your hands up to the ears, and reciting the takbir, you give a
little pause duringwhich you should recite Thana' (Subhanak
Allahumma.......)· After the completion of Thana'the Imam will recite
takbir (Allahu Akbar) three times, and after reciting each Takbir
(Allahu Akbar) in a low voice, you should bring your hands down and
leave them earthwards. But, after the third takbir, you should set
them at the level of your navel as you do in the normal prayer.
After these three takbirs the Imam will recite the Holy Qur'an, which
you should listen quietly. Therest of the rak'ah will be performed in
the normalway.
After rising for the second rak'ah, the Imam will begin the
recitationsfrom the Qur'an during which you should remain calm and
quiet. When the Imam finishes his recitation, he will recite three
takbirs once again, but this time it will be before bowing down for
ruku'. At each takbir you should raise your hands up to the ears, and
after saying"Allahu Akbar' bring them down and leave them earthwards.
After these three takbirs have been called and completed, the Imam
will say another takbir for bowing down into the ruku' position. At
this takbir you need not raise your hands. You just bow down for your
ruku' saying, 'Allahu Akbar'. The rest of the Salah will be performed
in its usual way.

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