Wednesday, August 28, 2013

How does bacteria communication affect the climate?

Bacteria are a group of living organisms that reproduce fast,
compared to plants and animals, and have great importance for
balancing the world of living things in terms of their biochemical
traits. They can live almost anywhere. Therefore, their population
is greater than any other organism. The most important fact of all
is that they have important effects on vital matters such as climate
due to their dense population.
The bacteria community that affects human life in a number of ways
has many amazing characteristics. The communication system they
use is one of these. These beings, which use sonar-like systems to
see their enemies and food, use "conversation balloons" to
communicate with one another. Scientists from the Woods Hole
Oceanographic Institute (WHOI) discovered that the communication
among bacteria has a quality that protects the balance of the whole
Bacteria Communication That Affect the Earth's Climate Begins In the Oceans
Small sea plants (phytoplankton) are eaten by zooplankton, which
are small sea creatures. These particles are sticky and they form
heavier particles by coming together. Bacteria unite over these
tiny carbon- rich pieces and move towards the depth together with
these pieces. This may seem like a very ordinary situation.
However, this small movement has an amazing aspect.
Bacteria, which have no mouth and ears, send forth chemical signals
to find out whether there are other neighboring bacteria around
them. If there are adequate bacteria neighbors nearby, carbon
molecules inside these particles come together to secrete an enzyme
that breaks these molecules into smaller particles. The type of
carbon inside the particles is the same carbon dioxide is found in
the atmosphere, so it is a greenhouse gas, which is a temperature
trap. This communication among bacteria is created in a way that
this poisonous gas will be released to the depths of the ocean.
This system does not exist in shallow depths.
This poisonous gas that can easily mix into the atmosphere from
shallow waters is carried to the depths with a planned communication
system and thus prevents it from reaching the atmosphere.
In other words, millions of bacteria, which we cannot see with the
naked eye work for us devotedly.
It has been known for many years that bacteria have a very important
place in the carbon cycle that has such vital importance for life on
earth. However, this new discovery proves to us once again that the
earth has a perfect creation, which is constantly maintained with
very comprehensive, fine and detailed adjustments. Thus all the
details in front of us are created in perfect harmony with one
another and this balance has not been disrupted for millions of
years. Allah revealed in the Qur'an as follows:
" In the creation of the heavens and earth, and the alternation of
the night and day, and the ships which sail the seas to people's
benefit, and the water which Allah sends down from the sky – by
which He brings the earth to life when it was dead and scatters about
in it creatures of every kind – and the varying direction of the
winds, and the clouds subservient between heaven and earth, there
are Signs for people who use their intellect. " (Surat al-Baqara,
Allah's Order is Flawless
- Even if you fulfill all the conditions necessary for life on earth
- Even if you can imitate the earth, from the atmosphere to the
number of bugs in the ecosystem, all living species, orbiter and the
sun with all of its properties;
- Even if you put an equal number of plankton, diatoms and
bacteria as the ones on earth inside this artificial environment, the
end this artificial world will face is inevitable.
Even if there were an equal number of bacteria, when there is no
communication among those bacteria, then the artificial environment
you have produced would turn into a deadly gas chamber instead of a
planet full of life. All life would be destroyed in a very short
time by suffocating in this poisonous carbon gas.
When any of the balances on our earth are changed, this scenario
would always be the same. However, we can talk about life on earth,
only by virtue of having all of these balances and fine
calculations at the same time.
Breathing, being able to eat, drink, run and walk now is a proof
that not even one of these millions of balances has ever been
disrupted even for a single moment and continues unceasingly.
All of these qualities point to a perfect creation. The complex
system mentioned above is only a few of the evidences of Almighty
Allah's infinite might and superior creation. In one verse, our Lord's
knowledge and might is revealed as such:
" Say: 'Travel about the earth and see how He brought creation out
of nothing. Then later Allah will bring about the next existence.
Allah has power over all things. " (Surat al-'Ankabut, 20)
Allah's Knowledge of Creation Manifests at Every Spot of the Universe
There are evidences as to Almighty Allah's superior creation at
every corner of the universe. This complex system in bacteria that
we cannot see with the naked eye is one of the most crucial examples
of this. Our Lord manifests in these micro beings and inspires to
them the ability to act with a superior consciousness and perfect
intelligence. A bacterium is able to detect developments, which
people cannot realize or even guess beforehand, by the inspiration
of Almighty Allah and acts more daringly. It is not possible to
explain such flawless details in living beings as a matter of
coincidence as evolutionists claim. This is because it is
impossible to explain that "the first bacterium" formed
It is a very far-fetched approach to claim that when there was no
sign of life, a bacterium was affected by the conditions in an
uncontrolled environment, began to breathe suddenly, went through
certain changes coincidentally and gained its miraculous features
and current complex qualities.
Science and technology, which advance more with every passing day,
discovered the miraculous qualities of bacteria and proves how
enormous a lie the theory of evolution is. Every quality we face in
these beings proves how perfect the art of Allah is in beings that
cannot be seen with the naked eye and makes us think about these.
Allah ,Who is the Owner of the skies and earth, created the sky, the
earth and everything in between perfectly with a unique creation;
inspired every being to its duty and made His miracles a verse and
mercy for believers. Our Lord's flawless knowledge of creation is
revealed in the verses as such:
" He who created the seven heavens in layers.You will not find any
flaw in the creation of the All-Merciful. Look again – do
you see any gaps? Then look again and again. Your sight will return
to you dazzled and exhausted! " (Surat al-Mulk, 3-4)
All Behavior of Bacteria Is Controlled by Our Lord
What bacteria want is to maintain their existence with the means
they possess. While these microscopic beings continue their lineage
with this perfect balance Allah created, they also have vital
importance for us "in many ways". A bacteria producing nutrients,
moreover making the nutrient it produced beneficial for man,
imprisoning poisonous gases, and causing various cycles show how
essential and flawless this balance is. There is no doubt that
bacteria could just as easily live inside our food, take its energy
from there and greatly harm us . We may not even be aware of these
bacteria, which are part of our life, throughout our lives. However,
Allah created very flawless and detailed systems for us to see the
evidence of His superior and unique intelligence. This is the
purpose of the benefit bacteria provides.
No doubt, we cannot accept that a unicellular being can act with
consciousness and rationale. Allah is the One Who inspires bacteria
to act consciously and make calculations, Who has knowledge over
all knowledge and Who has the most superior intelligence over all
else. In one verse, it is revealed as such:
" In the alternation of night and day and what Allah has created in
the heavens and the earth there are Signs for people who have
faith. " (Surah Yunus, 6)

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