Wednesday, August 14, 2013

Fathwa, - Working with disabled non-mehrams

I am a female, and recently took up a postworking with people with
mental disabilites e.g cerebralpalsies. My job involves doing
activities such as painting, cooking, and more importantly engaging in
social activities such as playing games with the disabled people. The
activities are donein a group, with other co-workers. The aim isto
encourage confidence in the individual and to support them through
their difficulties. Now, the disabled people vary in age from 18 to
55, male and female, muslim and non-muslims, with a varying degree of
disabilities. I am always in the presenceof other non-disabled
females. Is the mixing allowed with the non-mehrams in this situation?
(If your answer is that it is permissible if my intention is for
seeking the reward of Allah swt, and that I am not in seclusion, then
I'd like to add the following question. Imagine a spectrum of humans.
From the veryable humans, and to the very disabled, the most disabled
human you have. Now, at what point, or what criteria of disability
allows me to mix with an individual. i.e. When does mixing become
permissible, at what level of disability. Is it when they have no
sense of the world, is it when they have sense but nosexual instinct.
These latter are examples, not questions, to illustrate what my main
question is)
In the Name of Allah, the Gracious, the Merciful.
Dear Sister,
I pray you are doing well.
I believe that you have already answered your question.
You stated that:
1. Your intention is to seek Allah's pleasure;
2. you are not in seclusion; and
3. you are helping people who otherwise could not help themselves.
Free mixing of the sexes is prohibited.
However what you are doing is not considered free mixing because:
1. You are performing your job;
2. you are not in seclusion with unrelated males; and
3. as a Muslim in the medical/healthcare profession, you are permitted
to interact with unrelated males to the extent of the need.
The most important considerations:
Do you feel that what you are doing is pleasingto Allah?
Do you feel that you are helping these individualsto lead productive lives?
Are you comfortable in this setting?
If you answered yes to these questions, then continue to seek Allah's
pleasure by helping people in need.
Just remember to maintain Islamic gender etiquette at all time, and
insha'Allah, you should be fine.
For more guidelines for Muslim healthcare professionals, please search
SunniPath Answers.
May Allah bless you in all of your endeavors.
And Allah knows best.

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