Saturday, August 24, 2013

Fathwa, - When do Women Make Ghusl?

When and how is a woman napak (impure), and in need of Ghusl?
Wa Alaykum Assalam wa Rahmatullah wa Barakatuhu,
In the Name of Allah, Most Merciful & Compassionate
�A purificatory bath is necessitated by:
a) sperm or female ejaculate that leaves its place of origin with
desire [f: whether actual or effective], even if it exits the body
without desire, even if without sexual intercourse;
b) the head of the penis entering either private part of a living
human being who is fit for sexual intercourse, even without any
release of sexual fluids��
c) The finding, on one�s clothes, of what looks like semen after
waking up from sleep or loss of consciousness.
d) Menses and post-natal bleeding (i.e. when they end)
[al-Hadiyya al-`Ala�iyya and Nur al-Idhah wa Najat al-Arwah ]

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