Sunday, August 4, 2013

Fathwa - Reverting back to hinduism from islam after marriage

Both my husband and myself were Hindus before marriage. I converted to
Islam after more than a year's thought. My parents then arranged a
marriage to my Hindu cousin. I agreed but told only him of my
conversion, and that he would also need to convert. I felt at the time
that were he to convert that Allah would be proud. He did convert and
we got married, initially by Hindu ceremony arranged by our parents,
then secretly an Islamic marriage. He embraced Islam for the first
year. His mother was invited to come and live with us in the UK for 6
months.Once she had left, he suddenly seemed to have reverted back to
Hinduism. I am not sure whether this was because he has been
blackmailed or out of his own choice. I am also pregnant. He is
otherwise a dear and loving husband who is kind and sincere to meas
well as to his parents, who do not like Islam. He is also under a lot
of pressure with exams and work, and his father recently had a heart
attack. He is currently living in my house with my family. Our
exposure to Islam from the outside world has also become limited
possibly due to pressures on both sides.He probably hasn't had so much
of an understanding of Islam as I have had through my brother, also a
convert. I can find so many excuses as to why he may have reverted,
but what do Ido? Our marriage would otherwise be a happy one. Am I
committing sin by staying with him? Can I give him time to understand
Islam better and to convert back? Please help.
In the Name of Allah, the Gracious, the Merciful
Dear Sister,
Assalamu alaikum,
I pray this message finds you well.
You need to talk to your husband and ascertain for a fact that he has,
indeed, reverted back to Hinduism. If he denies this, then you have no
reason to seek a divorce.
If, however, he openly rejects Islam, then you cannot stay married to
him. Given the sensitivityof the situation, you need to consult a
reliablelocal scholar. They might have some suggestions for you and
your husband.
In the meantime, please try to involve your husband with Muslim
community life. Don't isolate yourselves.
He may be going through a period of doubt and confusion. If so, he
needs your help.
And Allah knows best.

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