Monday, August 26, 2013

Fathwa, - Is my ghusl valid if Idid not wash my hair, but only wiped it with a wet hand?

After my menstruationhad finished I performed ghusl but did not wash
my hair (i.e. with shampoo) but did wipe over it with some water. Is
my ghusl valid? After that, I also prayed my salat, will they be
validalso? I can't really remember where, but I read somewhere thatits
OK if you miss something out of ghusl either accidentally or because
you did not know it was part of it. I'm not sure whether that is
Wa alaikum salaam,
A condition for the validity of the purificatory bath is that water
must reach every portion of the body including all of the hair. Only
when hair is braided (for women) it ispermissible to not undo the
braids and simply ensure water reaches theroots of the hair. [Ibn
Abidin, Radd al-Muhtar]
In any case, simply wiping over the hair with some water is not
sufficient. As such, the bath was not valid and all subsequent prayers
will need to be repeated.
And Allah knows best.

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