Thursday, August 1, 2013

Fathwa - Interaction with Muslim husband and non-mehram non-Muslimlady

Is it permissible for a married man to be alone in his own home, with
a non-mehram non-Muslim woman who works for him, even if he treats her
as a sister? Would the case be any different if the wife of the
husband did not know about this meeting and was never told? Would it
be permissible if the married man was withanother man and this
non-mehram woman, and having a non-business conversation? Could you
please provide me with some Qu'ranic verses/hadiths as well,and
general advice on how the wife should approach her husband on this
In the Name of Allah, the Gracious, the Merciful
Dear Sister,
Assalamu alaikum,
I pray all is well.
Whether the woman is Muslim or non-Muslim, oryou know about these
meetings or not, it remains impermissible for your husband to be alone
with her. However,if they are accompanied by another man or another
woman, then the situation is no longerkhalwa. However, even in that
scenario, caution should be exercised.
However, considering that your husband is married and that Islamic
marriages are predicatedon mutual respect and honesty, then it remains
imperative that he consult you when he needs to speak to this woman.
If there's a reason to bring her to your home, then he needs to make
sure this is okay with you and he needs to make sure you are present
when this woman visits.
However, it is not okay for your husband to hang out with this woman
just because she works for him. If there's some business matter to
discuss, then that's fine. But this should be done in a business
Allah Ta'ala says, "Say to the believing men to lower their gaze and
guard their modesty. That is purer for them, and Allah is aware of
what they do. And say to the believing women to lower their gaze and
guard their modesty..." (Surat an-Nur, 24:30-31).
The Prophet, Allah bless him and give him peace, says, "A man and
woman do not remain alone in privacy except that the third amongst
them is shaytan" (Tirmidhi).
Since you're clearly uncomfortable with yourhusband's behavior,
thenyou need to talk to him. Don't condemn him. But do tell him that
you are uncomfortable with these meetings and would like to have the
same consideration applied to you that you apply to him. I'm assuming
that you don't bring non-mahram men into your home. Likewise, your
husband should have the same consideration for you when he interacts
with non-mahram women.
I pray you work things out, emphasizing what ismost pleasing to Allah
and most conducive to the sanctity of your marriage.

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