Wednesday, August 21, 2013

Fathwa, - Hanafi & Shafi抜 Positions on Females Praying in Congregation

I know that it is very important for men to pray in jamat. I was
wondering if this is the same case with women. I know a lot ofpeople
who understandably support the idea that ifthere are more than one
woman together then you should pray in jamat. But I have also heard
that many women believe that it is disliked to pray in jamat. When I
say jamat I don�t necessarily mean inside the masjid. I mean jamat at
home just amongst women. If you could please give both Hanafi and
Shafi�i positions.
In the Name of Allah, Most Merciful & Compassionate
Wa Alaykum Assalam wa Rahmatullah wa Barakatuhu,
Please see the following links relating both the Hanafi and Shafi�i
positions on women-only congregational prayers.
The Hanafi Position
From a previous questionanswered by Shaykh Faraz Rabbani:
As for praying in a congregation of women,the Hanafi position is that
it is prohibitively disliked (makruh tahriman), because it is not
established from the practice of the female Companions except through
a couple of narrations, which are understood either as being from the
early period of Islam or done to teach others how to pray.
Women's Congregational Prayer
Hanafi Woman Pray in a Women's Only Congregation?
Questions on Women�s Prayer: Women�s Congregational Prayer, Raising
the Voice When Alone, Giving Adhan and Iqama
Reading other sisters in congregation for instructional purposes
Women and Congregational Prayer
The Shafi�i Position
Is it sunna for women to pray in a women only congregation?
May Allah give you all success in this life and the next, amin.
SunniPath Fiqh Team

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