Thursday, August 8, 2013

Fathwa - Female medical treatment in Ramadan

� She had to insert an instrument and also I think her fingers to
check where my injuries are inside. Did this break my fast?
Mere insertion of the finger or an instrument in the vagina does not
invalidate the fast, unlessit is wetted with water or oil [or any
other substance that will remain within]. (Ibn al-Humam, Fath
al-Qadir, a commentary on Marghinani�s Hidaya)
And Allah alone gives success.
Faraz Rabbani
قال شيخ الإسلام الكمال ابن الهُمام (رحمه الله تعالى) في فتح القدير:لو
أدخل الإصبع في دبره أو فرجها الداخل لا يفسد الصوم إلا أن تكون مبلولة
بماء أو دهن على المختار.

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