Tuesday, August 6, 2013

‘Estrangement and the strangers’

The Prophetsaid:"Islam began as something strange, and itwill return
to being something strange, so give glad tidings to the
The meaning of 'strange' in the Hadeeth:
Many times in many situations the people thatfollow the religion of
Allaah feel a sense of not belonging, of being out of place, of not
fitting in, or, in other words, of being strange. This feeling is
normal when being among non-Muslims, but, unfortunately, this feeling
sometimes also occurs when one is among his fellow Muslims. A person
sees hisbrothers and sisters doing acts that are contrary to Islam, or
taking part in innovations that sometimes even border on Kufr
)disbelief(, yet hefeels that he does not have enough power or courage
to stop them.
Some Muslims, especially if they do not have enough Taqwa )piety( or
Islamic knowledge, buckle under the pressure of their peers and join
in these acts, knowing that this is not what Allaah wants them to do.
However, feeling helpless, since it seems that they are alone in their
ideas and without any support to help themdo what is right, they
succumb to such pressures.
They should take consolation in the verses of the Quran and in the
statements of the Prophetdescribing this estrangement.
Why have they been called 'strangers?'
Allaah Says )what means(:"So why were there not among the generations
before you those of enduring discrimination forbidding corruption
onearth – except a few of those We saved from among them…?"]Quran 11:
116[ This verse speaksof the few people on earth, the "strangers", who
prohibit mankind from evil. These are the same people the Prophetspoke
about when hesaid:"Islam began as something strange, and itwill return
to being something strange, so give glad tidings to the
The Prophetwas asked: "O Messenger of Allaah, who are those
strangers?" Hereplied:"Those who reform the people when they become
corrupt."]Abu 'Amr Ad-Daani[. In another narration, the Prophetsaid in
response to the same question:"They are a small group of people among
a large evil population. Those who oppose them are more than those who
follow them."]Ibn 'Asaakir[
These praiseworthy people are called 'strangers' since they are a
small minority among mankind. Thus, Muslims are strangers among
mankind; the true believers are strangers among Muslims; and the
scholars are strangers among the true believers.
In reality, however, their estrangement is only because they are the
minority and it is not because their actions andbeliefs are strange.
This iswhat Allaah Says what means:"And if you obey most of those upon
the earth, they will mislead you from the way of Allaah. They follow
not except assumption, and they are not but falsifying."]Quran 6: 116[
Allaah also Says what means:"And most of the people, although you
strive ]for it[, are not believers."]Quran 12: 103[ and )what
means(:"…And indeed, many among the people are defiantly
disobedient."]Quran 5: 49[
Therefore, Allaah, The All-Knowing Creator, knows that most of mankind
will not follow the truth. Only a few will be set apart that truly and
correctly believe in Him; they are the 'strangers' from among mankind.
The strangers in belief, however, and the strangers in character and
actions are in reality the majority of mankind, for they are strange
to Islam and to the laws of Allaah.
There are various types of estrangement, of which some are
praiseworthy, some are blameworthy, and some are neither praiseworthy
nor blameworthy. We will discuss these categories below.
The various types of estrangement:
The first type is that of the "People of Allaah andHis Messenger", who
were mentioned previously. This estrangement is praiseworthy because
it has been praised by Allaah and His Messenger. Therefore, this kind
should be sought after and its people must be supported.
These 'strangers', then, are the true believers, because they only
worship Allaah, and they do not follow any path except the path of the
Thus, it is apparent that this estrangement does not cause its bearer
any discontent. Rather, it is a comforting estrangement, a solace
tothe believers. The believer knows that Allaah and those who believe
are with him.
Allaah, Almighty, sent His Prophetto people because they had strayed.
There were those who worshipped rivers, trees, idols, and there were
Christians, Jews and Zoroastrians. Islam, when it first appeared among
people,was strange to them. If a person from among themaccepted Islam,
he wouldbe shunned and even tortured by his family and his tribe. He
would live as a stranger among his own people. Eventually, however,
Islam spread far and wide. Then the Muslims became stronger and more
numerous, so muchso, that the strangers were those who did not accept
But later, Satan deceived people again. Many people abandoned
Islam,thus those who remainedtrue believers became strangers again,
just as when Islam began.
The Prophetsaid that this nation would be divided into seventy-three
groups, all of whichwould go to Hell except the one Saved Group )i.e.
those who follow Allaah and His Messenger(.
The true believer should be prepared to resign himself to the life of
a stranger among his people, just like his predecessors who accepted
Islam were treated by their people.
The second type of estrangement, is the blameworthy one, for its
people are the evil sinners, the ignorant andthe arrogant from
amongmankind. Their estrangement is due to their refusal to follow
theright path of Allaah and His Messenger. This type is the
estrangement of not conforming to the religion of Islam and, as such,
it will remain strange even if its followers are numerous, its power
is strong, and its existence is widespread. These are the strangers to
The third type of estrangement is, in essence, neither praiseworthy
nor blameworthy. It is the type that a traveler experiences when he
travels to a different country, like a person who lives in a place for
a short period of time, knowing that he has to move on. One aspect of
this estrangement is that all of us, whether we realize it or not, are
strangers in this life, for we will all go one day to our permanent
abode in the Hereafter. This is the meaning of the Hadeeth of the
Prophetwhen hetold 'Abdullaah Ibn 'Umar:"Live in this world as though
you are a stranger or a wayfarer."Thus, this category of estrangement
has the potential to become a praiseworthy one, if we realize the
meaning of this statement of Allaah's Messenger.

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