Friday, August 9, 2013


Living in the 21st century it is not surprising that so many religions
and ideologies exist in the world today. Even though there are so many
religions, each is distinguished by its own customs, traditions and
celebrations. For example, the Christians celebrate Christmas and the
Jews celebrate Hanukah. And while the Hindus celebrate Divali, the
Chinese celebrate the Chinese New Year. However, it is very strange
that none of these celebrations, traditions, and customs are supported
by any authentic source that exists in their ideologies and/or
Crusading through the history of time, we have realized that the
advent of Islam has played a magnificent and important role on
millions of lives. Even though the history of Islam is enriched with
great events and glorious moments, us Muslims only celebrate twice a
year. Why?
It has been reported by Hazrat Anas (ra): "When the Prophet of Allah
(saw) came to Madinah he noticed that the people used to celebrate two
days. He asked them:'Why do you celebrate these two days?'They
replied: 'We have been celebrating these two days since the days of
ignorance.' Thereafter the Prophet of Allah (saw) respondedto them,
saying: 'Allah (swt) has changed these two days with two better days,
'Eid-ul-Adha and 'Eid-ul-Fitr,'" (Targheeb wa tarheeb)
Even though this night has been named Lailatul Jaiza (the night of
reward), it is unfortunate that us Muslims do not take advantage
ofsuch an opputunity to gain reward and blessings. Rather, at times we
get so engaged in renting cars, shopping for nice clothes, applying
henna etc., that we become negligent of the commands of Allah (swt).
The scholars have stated that Allah (swt) rewards His fasting slaves
on this very night, by accepting one's du'as. Thus a person's
everywish and prayer will be granted. Therefore one should perform
nafl, recite Qur'an and perform zikr on this night. The Holy Prophet
(saw) is also reported to have said:"Whoever stands up (inworship) in
the night preceding the two eids expecting reward form Allah, his
heart will not die when other hearts will die,"(Ibn Majah). In order
to benefit and gain blessings from this night one should strive to
perform a great number of good deeds on this sacred occasion.
To perform the following on the day of 'Eid are Sunnah:
1.To wake up early.
2.To useMiswak.
3.To take a shower.
4.To put on one's best clothes.
5.To use'Itr(Scent).
6.To eat something sweet, preferably dates before the 'Eidprayer.
7.To reciteTakbir-ut-Tashriq(Allahu Akbar, Allahu Akbar, La Ilaha
Illallahu, Wallahu Akbar, Allahu Akbar wa lillahilhamd) in a loud
voice while going to the 'Eid prayer.
8.To proceed to the 'Eid prayer one way and to return home from another way.
The Prophet (saw) said,"Whoevercompletes the fast of Ramadan and then
fasts an additional six days in the month of Shawwal, he will be
entitled to a reward just as if he had fasted throughout the entire
The scholars of Islam, commentating on this tradition have stated,
that every good deed is multiplied by ten. The Holy Qur`an
states:"Whoever performs a good deed, shall have ten times the like
thereof to his credit."(Surah An'am, verse 160).Therefore the reward
for fasting during the month of Ramadan (for thirty days) amounts, or
is equal to the fasting of 300 days. If the fast of Ramadan is
followedby six additional fasts in the month of Shawwal (the month
following Ramadan) A person willbe entitled to a reward just as if he
fasted 360 days - an entire year (300 for Ramadan, 60 for the six
fasts of Shawwal). Nevertheless we should try to usethis opportunity
in acquiring such a magnificent reward.
Eid Mubarak

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