Friday, August 9, 2013

Eid Mubarak! - Eid-ul-Fitr Prayers (Eid Al-Fitr Namaz)

It is considered by tradition to be an obligatory [Wajib - prayer,
though technically it is an optional prayer with the injunction that
it is preferable to offer even if optional (Sunnat-e-Muakkadah)]. This
prayer is Sunnat during the period of occultation of the Imam-e-Zamana
Ghusl (Purification Bath) on Eid day is sunnat, which should
preferably be taken under a shelter and not under the open sky.
Before offering Eid prayers it is recommended to have a breakfast of
dates. The specified time of Eid prayer is between sunrise and the
sun's initial decline (Zawal). If this prayer happens to bemissed it
cannot be offered late as 'Qaza'. Women are exempted from this prayer.
The Prayer of Eid-ul-Fitr can be performed individually if one has
missed the Jama'at.
It is 'Mustahab' (recommended) to offer Eid prayers with two Kutbas.
Takbir before Namaz-e-Eid: "Allaaho Akbar, Allaaho Akbar, Laa Ilaaha
Illallaah Wallaaho Akbar, Allaaho Akbar, Wa lillaahil Hamd.
Alhamdulillah Alaa Maa Hadaanaa Walahu Shukr Alaa Maa Aulana."
The meaning of the above is: Allah is Greatest,Allah is Greatest there
is no one worthy of prayer but Allah, and Allah is Greatest; Allah is
Greatest,and all Praise is for Allah. All Praise is for Allah, for
that which He has guides us and for Him is thanks for what He has."
This prayer consists of two Rakats. Niyyat (Intention) should be in
these words: "I resolve tooffer two Rakats Namaz-e-Eid, Sunnat
Qurbatan Ellallah". This should be followed by "Takbir"
(Allah-Ho-Akber). In the first Rakat after Sura 'Al-Hamd', recite
Sura 'Ala' or The Most High. Then five times Dua-e-Qunoot, followed
by Ruku and then Sajda. Then up again for the second Rakat. In the
second Rakat after Sura 'Al-Hamd'recite Sura 'Shams' or The Sunand
four times 'Dua-e-Qunoot'. After this the namaz should be completed
like the Morning Prayer.

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