Tuesday, August 6, 2013

Admit your Mistake whenever you are wrong

When Bilqees arrived, she was amazed to see her throne and realized
what power Allah (swt) had given to Prophet Sulayman (as). She then
entered the palace through the courtyard whose floor was made ofglass.
Thinking that it was a pool of water, she raised her clothes to pass
through it. When ProphetSulayman (as) informed her, what it was, she
was overwhelmed with wonder and accepted him to be a prophet of Allah
(swt). She said, "O Lord, I have wronged myself in worshipping the sun
instead of you. I therefore give in myself with Sulayman to You, the
Lord of the Worlds."
Prophet Sulayman (as) then married Bilqees andthereafter she returned
to her land, where he visited her frequently. The people of Saba who
were sun-worshippers, were converted to believe in Allah (swt) and to
worship none other than Him.

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