Tuesday, July 23, 2013

Ramadan Articles - Gateways of Goodness in Ramadan-III

1-Invoking prayers on the Prophet,.The Prophet,, said:"Whoever invokes
prayers on me once, Allaah will return it to him ten times."]Muslim[
2-Calling to Allaah The Almighty and to goodness."Whoever calls people
to guidance, shall receive a reward equal to that of those who
followed him without affecting their rewards in the least."]Muslim[
3-Relieving people. The Prophet,, said:"Whoever relieves a Muslim from
distress in this world, Allaah will relieve him from distress on the
Day of Resurrection."]Muslim[
4-Avoiding harming Muslims. TheProphet,, was asked,"Who are the best
Muslims?"He said:"The one whom Muslims are safe from his tongue and
hand."]Al-Bukhaari and Muslim[
5-Helping good people. The Prophet,, said:"There is charity required
from man's joints every day. Whoever helps a man to ride on his mount
or carry his luggage on it, this would be charity."]Al-Bukhaari[
6-Fulfilling people's needs. The Prophet,, said:"Intercede and you
will be rewarded, and Allaah decrees what He wills by the tongue of
His Messenger )i.e. it is by the will of Allaah that the
Prophetaccepts the intercession or not(."]Al-Bukhaari[
7-Doing righteous deeds, even small ones, on a regular basis. The
Prophet,, said:"The best deeds in the sight of Allaah are those done
regularly even if they are small."]Muslim[
8-Kindness to neighbors. The Prophet,, said:"Whoever believes in
Allaah and the Last Day, let him be kind to his neighbor."]Muslim[
9-Returning rights taken unjustlyand asking forgiveness of their
owners. The Prophet,, said:"Whoever has wronged his brother, let him
ask his forgiveness before the time )i.e., the Day of Resurrection(
when hewill have neither a dinar nor a dirham. If he has done some
good deeds, a portion equal to his wrong doings will be subtracted
from them; but if he has no good deeds, he will be burdened with the
evil deeds of the one he had wronged in the same
10-Following a bad deed with a good one. The Prophet,, said:"Fear
Allaah wherever you are, do good deeds after doing bad ones since the
former will wipe out the latter, and behave kindly towards
people."]Ahmad and Al-Haakim[
11-Returning trusts and keeping covenants. The Prophet,, said:"There
is no faith in the one who is not honest, nor is there a religion for
the one who breaches his covenant."]Ahmad[
12-Showing mercy to the young and honoring the old. The
Prophet,said:"Whoever does not show mercy to the young or respect the
old is not from us."]Ahmad and At-Tirmithi[
13-Dealing with people compassionately and mercifully and taking care
of their affairs as much as possible. The Prophet,, said:"The
believers in their love, mercy, and compassion are like one body; when
an organ aches, the whole body responds in wakefulness and
fever."]Al-Bukhaari and Muslim[
14-Silence and guarding the tongue except from saying good words. The
Prophet,, said:"Whoever believes in Allaah and the Last Day should say
good words or keep silent."]Al-Bukhaari[
15-Defending people's honor. The Prophet,said:"Whoever defends his
brother's honor, Allaah will protect his face from the fire on the Day
of Resurrection."]At-Tirmithi[
16-Purity of the heart and avoiding rancor. The Prophet,said:"The
gates of Paradise are opened on Mondays and Thursdays, and then every
slave)of Allaah( is granted forgiveness if he does not associate
anything with Allaah in worship. But the person in whose heart there
is rancor against his )Muslim( brother, they will not be pardoned and
with regard to them it will be said: 'Hold both ofthem until they are
reconciled with each other.'"]Muslim[
17-Justice between people. The Prophet,said:"There is charity required
from people's joints every day the sun rises, andwhen he judges
between people justly, this would be charity."]Al-Bukhaari[
18-Accepting the invitation of the one who calls to goodness and
giving to the one who asks. The Prophet,, said:"Grant shelter to him
who begs for it in the Name of Allaah, give to him who asks in the
Name of Allaah, accept the invitation of him who invites you, and
requite him who does a favor to you."]Ahmad, An-Nasaa'i and Abu
19-Gratefulness for the favor andrewarding the one who does it. This
indicates the Muslim's good manners. The Prophet,, said:"Reward the
one who does you afavor, and if one does not find anything to give,
let him praise the one who did the favor. If he praises him, he will
have thankedhim; otherwise, he would be ungrateful to
him."]Al-Bukhaari inAl-Adab Al-Mufrad[
20-Striving in worship during thelast days ofRamadan."When thelast ten
days of Ramadan come, the Prophetused to pray all night, awaken his
wives, and avoid intercourse with his wives."]Al-Bukhaari and Muslim[
21-Performing prayer on the Night ofAl-Qadrwith faith and in hope for
reward. The Prophet,, said:"Whoever performs voluntary prayers on the
Night of Al-Qadr with faith and in hope forreward, his past sins will
be forgiven."]Al-Bukhaari and Muslim[
22-I'tikaaf)staying in seclusion(."The Prophetused to make I'tikaaf
during the last ten days of Ramadan."]Al-Bukhaari[
23-GivingZakaat-ul-Fitr)charity due before the 'Eed prayer( at its due
time."The Prophetmade Zakaat-ul-Fitr compulsory so that those who
fasted may be purifiedof their idle deeds and ill speech)committed
during Ramadan( andso that the poor may be fed. Whoever gives it
before the 'Eed Prayer, will have it accepted as Zakaah, while he who
gives it after 'Eed Prayer, has given charity."
24-Finally, attain the rewards of fasting for one's entire lifetime by
fasting six days ofShawwaal. The Prophet,, said:"Whoever observes
fasting throughout the whole month of Ramadan and follows it by
fasting six days of Shawwaal, it would be like fasting throughout
one's whole life."]Al-Bukhaari and Muslim[

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