The people of that area were not very rich but they were nice people
and very hospitable. Thattime Abu Zar lived in that area, he
introduced those people to the glory of Ahlul Bayt. This too was
totally against Muawiyah's policies. Muawiyah's propaganda in that
area was that actually Banu Umayya were the Ahlul Bayt and their love
had been madewajib (compulsory) on Muslims. When he saw that Abu Zar
countered his trick by glorifying the family of the Prophet, he called
him back and then wrote a letter to Caliph Uthman ibn Affan
complaining about Abu Zar's activities.
Caliph Uthman ibn Affan replied as follows: "We have received your
letter about Abu Zar. As soon asyou receive this letter, arrange a
fast camel, put Abu Zar on it, arrange a very harsh camel-driver and
send him to Madina post haste."
On Muawiyah's orders, Abu Zar was dispatched quickly without even
letting him take his family with him. By the time Abu Zar arrived in
Madina (riding that camel) the flesh of both his thighs had been torn.
Hazrat Abu Zar Ghaffari (Radhiallahu Anhu) was presented to Caliph
Uthman ibn Affan in an open assembly. Caliph Uthman ibn Affan said to
him: "I have been told that you narrate a hadithof the Prophet
Muhammad (saw) that when the number of the men of Banu Umayya (in
power) would come uptothirty, they would use Allah's Kingdom as their
personal property, they would treat the worshippers of Allah as their
personal servants and would corrupt and misuse Allah's Law (for their
own advantage)."
Abu Zar replied that, yes, he had heard the Prophet Muhammad (saw)
saying all that. Caliph Uthman ibn Affan asked the assembly whether or
not they all had heard that hadith. Hethen called Imam Ali bin Abi
Talib and asked him the same question. Imam Ali bin Abi Talib
confirmed what Abu Zar had said. Caliph Uthman ibn Affan then asked
for the evidence to that. Imam Ali bin Abi Talib said that the
clearest evidence to that was another statement of the Prophet
Muhammad (saw) in which he had said, "The skies have not given shade
to, and the earth has not carried any speaker more truthful and honest
than Abu Zar."
Only a few days had goneby after that event that Caliph Uthman ibn
Affan sent him a message that by Allah he would be banished from
Madina. Abu Zar (confronted Uthman) and said to him:"Are you going to
banish me away from the City of the Prophet?" He replied,"Yes." Abu
Zar asked, "Are you going to send me off to Makkah?" He said,"No." Abu
Zar then asked,"To Basra?" He said, "No." Abu Zar then asked, "To
Kufa, then?" He said, "No,I am going to throw you out to Rabza, where
you came from and, I wish you would die there." Caliph Uthman ibn
Affan then turned to Marwan and ordered him to escort Abu Zar out of
Madina and not to let anyone else see him off or speak to him. So,
Marwan put Abu Zar and his daughter on a camel and escorted them out
As Abu Zar was being escorted out of Madina, Imam Ali bin Abi Talib
came to see him off with his sons, his brother Aqeel, Abd Allah bin
Jafar,and Ammar Yasir. Marwan tried to stop them saying, "Let me tell
you, if you do not alreadyknow, that Amir al-Momineen Uthman ibnAffan
has prohibited everyone to come and see Abu Zar off." Imam Alibin Abi
Talib hit the camel Marwan was ridingand said, "Get out of my place,
may Allah throw you in Hell fire."
Imam Ali bin Abi Talib walked with Abu Zar. He cried and wept saying,
"OAhlul Bayt, may Allah have Mercy upon you. O Abul Hasan, when I see
you and your children, I am reminded of the Prophet Muhammad (saw)."
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