Monday, July 1, 2013

Finally to summarize what was mentioned in this article, we would like to refer to these points briefly:

1. The miracles of previous prophets belonged to their own era and
today nothing ofthem is available for us. But now we only find Holy
Quran that claims it is a miracle for all time.
2. To prove its claim, HolyQuran calls the entire world to bring words
likeits verses.
3. Eloquence and fluency is the only aspect of miracle of Holy Quran
that it has challenged upon. However different parts of Holy Quran
have other aspects of being a miracle.
4. The enemies of Islam and Holy Quran whether in the past or now have
applied the hardest and most expensive means to invalidate Islam; on
the other hand they have notdone any act to apply their simplest mean
(i.e. answering the challenge of Holy Quran). They havenot brought any
significant instance to excel Holy Quran in eloquence and fluency
inthe eyes of scholars, considering the fact that they had both enough
motives to do so and powerful literalists. This is the best reason of
theirinability against Holy Quran.
5. There are many instances in Holy Quran that refer to secrets of
creation, and centuries later the secret has been clarified. This
indicates that Holy Quran is descended by the One who is completely
aware of the secrets of creation.
6. There are many instances in Holy Quran that predict events and
later the event has taken place exactly as Holy Quran had described.
This indicates that Holy Quran is descended by the One who has occult
7. Holy Quran with all aspects of being a miracle is brought by a
prophet who has never studied before. This proves that he himself has
not composed Holy Quran, but it is descended from the Lord of the
Conclusion about Holy Quran, the Eternal Miracleand Complete Way of Life
Finally it can be deduced that Holy Quran is a miracle for all eras
and for all nations, therefore it is descended from the almighty Allah
(SWT). When it is proved that Holy Quran is a miracle, the trueness of
the claim of the prophecy of Holy Prophet Muhammad (PBUH&HP) would be
proved. Then all the human beings can now study and research aboutthis
book and by perceiving that it is a miracle, can find out the prophecy
and trueness ofHoly Prophet Muhammad's (PBUH&HP) religion.

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