Wednesday, July 24, 2013

Fathwa - What are the actions a women who is on her menses perform while looking for Lailatul Qadr?

What are the actions a women who is on her menses perform while
looking for Lailatul Qadr?
Oh my daughter, have glad tidings and give glad tidings to the others;
your sisters in Islaam the daughters of the sunnah, those that follow
the sunnah.
That the woman who is in her menses she is allowed to do all things
that are legislated for the men and the womenthat are out of their
menses except for fasting and praying. Besides that, he said, you know
and you should teach the other sisters in Islaam, that thewoman, the
Muslim woman, is allowed to stand in lailatul qadr or establish in
lailatul qadr: the recitation of the quraan, and making
duasupplication to Allaah forall that is good, as well as istighfaar
seeking Allaah's forgiveness, and takbeer saying Allaahu Akbar and
tasbeeh saying SubhaanAllaah, and tahmeed saying Alhumdulillaah and
saying also laa illaaha illAllaah and the other forms of remembrance
and dhikr. The shaikh while he was handing me the mic reminded us of
the statement that theProphet (sallAllaahu `alayhi wa sallam) used to
say while looking for lailatul qadr
(Dua'a read aloud in Arabic)
"Oh Allaah you are the Pardoner and the giver of asylum, so Pardon me
because you love to Pardon."
And he said that you should know that any person that is kept back,
and prevented from doing what is better for them from performing
righteous actions, any person who is prohibited or a matter comes
between them and these righteous actions due to a legislated excuse
then this person should knowthat if they have the right intention and
they have a strong will to come closer to Allaah and to better
themselveswith prayers or fasting or with whatever action it might be,
whoever hasan excuse a legislated excuse and has that strong will and
that strong intention then they should know that Allaah Writes the
aj'ar orbenefits or reward for them. This is as we find in the hadeeth
of the Prophet (sallAllaahu `alayhi wa sallam) when he was travelling
with some of the sahaba on a path to the battlefield where he said
" There are a people in Madeenah from your brothers, that you don't
pass any mountain, and you don't go through any valley except that
they, your brothers in Madeenah are with you in the aj'ar, in the
reward and benefits, that you are gathering the good deeds that you
are gathering by going out in the path of Allaah,the only thing that
stopped them meaning your brothers in Madeenah the only thingthat
stopped them and came between them in being with you is a legislated
Islaamic excuse."
So the person should understand that very well (the shaikh said).

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