Saturday, July 27, 2013

Fathwa - Proof of The Jinn Entering a Person's Body

Is there any proof that supports the claim that jinn can possess human beings?
Yes, there is proof in the Book and the Sunnah that jinn enter humans.
In the Qur'aan, Allaah Almighty Says:
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Those who eat Riba (usury and interest) will not stand (on the Day of
Resurrection) except likethe standing of a person beaten by Shaytaan
leading him to insanity[Al-Baqarah 2:275]
Ibn Kathir, may Allaah have mercy upon him, commented: "They will rise
from their graves like a person rises who ispossessed by theShaytaan."
Regarding proof from the Sunnah, the Messenger of AllaahSalallaahu
alayhi wasallamsaid,"Indeed, Shaytaan flows through the son of Adam
like the flow of his blood."(Al-Bukhaari no.2039 and Muslim no.2175)
InManqalat Ahl As-Sunnah wal-Jamma'ah, Al-Ash'arisaid that they
-meaningAhl As-Sunnah- say that the jinn enter into the body of the
possessed asproven by the precedingverse.
'Abdullaah, Imaam Ahmad's son, said, "I saidto my father that a group
of people claimedthat jinn don't enter intothe bodies of human beings.
He said, 'O my son, they are lying; don'tyou see that it is they who
are speaking upon their tongues."
In a number ofHadithsfrom the Messenger of AllaahSalallaahu alayhi
wasallaam, recorded by Imaam Ahmad and Al-Bayhaqi, it is reportedthat
he met a boy who was possessed. So the ProphetSalallaahu alayhi
wasallaambegan saying,"Come out, O enemy of Allaah. Come out, O enemy
of Allaah."(Ibn Majah no.3548)
In some versions he said,Come out, O enemy of Allaah. Come out, O
enemy of Allaah."(Ahmad 4/171, 172)
Then the boy healed andbecame normal.
Here we have mentioned one proof from the Qur'aan and two from the
Sunnah; what people witness everyday serves as tangible evidence, not
tomention that this is the view ofAhl As-Sunnah wal-Jama'ah.
Nevertheless, we do not deny that some people are insane due to some
other defect in their mind.

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