Saturday, July 13, 2013

Fathwa - Fasting after the journey has finished

A traveller breaks his fastduring his journey and when he reaches his
place of residence, does he refrain (from eating) or is there no
objection to eating, and what is the evidence?
Breaking of the fast (ie eating) during the journey is
arukhsah(concession) which Allaah has made for creating ease for His
Servants. So if the reasonfor the concession falls away, then the
concession falls away along with it. So whoever arrives at his town
from his journey inthe day must refrain (from eating) in order tofall
under the generality of His Statement, the Exalted:
So whoever of you witnesses the month (of Ramadaan) then he should
fast.Soorah al Baqarah (2) aayah 185
And with Allaah is thetawfeeq. And may peaceand blessings be upon our
Prophet Muhammad and his family and his Companions.

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