Friday, July 5, 2013

Dought & clear - There is no stipulation that Jumu‘ah prayer should be offered ina masjid or jaami‘.

One of my acquaintence comented that, Juma is only valid in a place
where all five daily prayers are being offered in congregation.
Praise be to Allaah.
There is no stipulation that Jumu'ah prayer should be offered in a
masjid or jaami' according to the majority of fuqaha' of the Hanafi,
Shaafa'i and Hanbali madhhabs, unlike the Maalikis.
It says in al-Bahr al-Raa'iq (2/162), which is a Hanafi book: The
words "and general permission" mean: The condition of it being valid
is that it should be done in the usual manner. So, for example,if a
ruler were to close the gates of the fortress and lead his family and
troops in offering Jumu'ah prayer, that is not valid. This is what it
says in al-Khulaasah. In al-Muheet it says that if he opens the gate
of his palace and gives the people permission to enter, it is valid
althoughit is makrooh, because he did not fulfil the rightof the
Jaami' mosque. End quote.
It says in Tarh al-Tathreeb (3/190): Our view (i.e., the Shaafa'i
madhhab) is that establishing Jumu'ah is not only to be done in the
mosque; rather it may be performed in an ordinary building. If they do
it in a place other than a mosque, the one who enters that place
should not pray during the khutbah, because there is no "greeting"
(2-rak'ah prayer upon entering) for it. End quote.
It says in al-Insaaf (2/378), which is a Hanbali book: With regard to
the words "it is permissible to performit in various buildings or
buildings that are on theedge of the wilderness", this is the view of
our madhhab and it is the view of most of the scholars of the madhhab,
many of whom stated it definitively. And it was said that it is not
permissible to perform itanywhere except in the jaami'. End quote.
With regard to the Maalikis, they stipulated that it must be performed
in the jaami', as stated above.
Khaleel al-Maaliki said concerning the conditions of Jumu'ah: [It
should be] in a jaami' that is built separately.
In al-Taaj wa'l-Ikleel (2/520) it says: "In the jaami'." Ibn Basheer
said: The jaami ' is one of the conditions of offering this prayer.
Ibn Rushd said: It is not validto establish Jumu'ah except in a
designated mosque. Al-Baaji said: One of the conditions is a mosque
that is built specifically for that purpose in the usual style of
mosques. End quote.
To sum up:
Jumu'ah prayer in the place mentioned is valid according to the
majority of scholars, if it is not possible to allocate a specific
place for the Muslims to pray and if they cannot go to the nearest
mosque or Islamic centre in which Jumu'ah prayer is offered.
And Allah knows best.

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