Sunday, July 14, 2013

Dought & clear - Ramadan - Witr raising hands daleel

as salamu aleykum,
what are the daleels of raising the hands in witr
prayer for the qunoot?
was salaam
Al-jawab billahi at-taufeeq (the answer with Allah's guidance)
To raise the hand till the ears upon the Takbeer ofQunoot and fold
them afterwards, this is according to Imam Abu Hanifah (RA):
Aaisha (Radhiallaahu Anhu) narrates that Rasulullah (Sallallaahu
Alayhi Wasallam) used toperform 3 Rakats of Witr,and would only make
Salam at the end.' (I'elaa-us-Sunan vol.6 pg.30; Karachi)
Abd al-Razzaq narrates that Zuhri narrates that Hammad narrates that
Ibrahim narrates that Ibn Masood used to raisehis hands in Witr then
drop them after words. (Musannaf Abdur Razzaq Vol. 4 Pg. 325)
Abu Yusuf narrates that Abu Hanifa narrates that Talha narrates that
Ebrahim al-Nakha'i said, "The hands will be raised in seven places.
Atthe beginning of Salah, at the beginning of Qunoof of witr, in the
two Eids, when maing Istilam of Hajr al-Aswad, at Safa and Marwah, at
Arafat, and Muzdalifa, and the Jamarah. (Aathar Li Abi Yusuf Vol. 1
Pg. 105)
(See also: Al Hidaya, Chapter: Witr prayer)
Muhammad narrates that Abu Hanifa narrates that Hammad narrates that
Ibrahim said Qunootin Witr is Wajib in Ramadan and out of Ramadan
before Ruku'. When you intend to say Qunoot, say takbeer. When you
intend to go into ruku say Takbeer again. Imam Muhammadsays, "We hold
this view and hands should be raise before Qunoot just as how they are
raised at the beginning of Salah and then fold them and make dua.
Thisis the view of Imam Abu Hanafi (ra). (Aathar Li Muhammad Ibn Hasan
Vol. 1 Pg. 274)
(See also: I`laus Sunan Vol.6 Pg. 53, 58 , vol.1 Pg.57, and Ahsanul
FataawaVol. 3 Pg. 489)

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