Sunday, July 14, 2013

Dought & clear - Ramadan - Kissing

Asalaam u alykum.
My wife told me in the morning that I had tried to kiss her last night
in the state of fasting. This happened once before and on that
occasion I do not remember anything. However, last night I think I do
remember inserting my tongue in her mouth and feeling the taste of her
tongue, although noexchange of saliva (I think). If I was fully aware
I would not have kissed her. My wife says my eyes were open. However I
may have gotten up during my sleep. Exact details I can'tremember.
Does this necessitate a qada and or kaffarah according to the Hanafi
Jazakallah u khairun for your reply.
Could I please ask one other question: My 7day old baby vomited over
me. I wiped this off my shoulder with a tissue. I changed my shirt.
Then I forgot to wash my shoulder and prayed Isha and Fajr and zohr
and then realised that I had not washed the area(shoulder) with water.
Would my wudu and salah have been valid? I did repeat the salah to be
on the safe side.
Al-jawab billahi at-taufeeq (the answer with Allah's guidance)
1) The Hanafi jurists (Fuqaha) state that non-sexual affectionate
kissing or Mubasharah (skin to skin), from which there is no fear of
leading to intercourse orejaculation, is allowed and not disliked.
But, if one fears that kissing or Mubasharah will lead to ejaculation
or intercourse, then it will be disliked to kiss or do Mubasharah.
However, one's fast remains valid as long as kissing or Mubasharah
does not lead to actual sexual intercourse or does not result in
ejaculation. If kissing or Mubasharah resulted in ejaculation, one's
fast would become invalid and hence will have to be made up (Qadha),
without having to expiate for it (Kaffara). (Al-Fatawa al-Hindiyya,
1/200 & 1/204, Hashiyatut Tahtawi Pg. 680)
Also, Ghusl will be necessary if ejaculatory fluid was discharged.
N.B. To swallow the saliva of the wife will invalidate the fast then
Qadha and Kaffarah will be necessary. (Nurul Idhah Pg.143)
If the mentioned incident took place during the night, then there is
no problem in this as it is permissible toeat, drink and have sexual
intercourse etc until dawn.
"It is made lawful for you to have sexual relations with your wives on
the night of As-á¹¢iyam…Eat and drink until the white thread becomes
clear to you from a black thread at the dawn." (2:187)
2) The vomit that is full mouth will be considered Najasat Ghaliza.
(Shaami vol.1 pg.266)
If this is equal to a Dirham, which is the circumference of the inner
hollow of the palmthen it is Wajib (necessary) to wash this from your
garments. If it is less than this amount then it will be Mustahab
However, if one forgets this then Salah performed in such clothing
will be valid.
(Quduri Pg. 24, Nurul Idhah Pg.53, Hashiyat Tahtawi Pg.157, Ahsanul
Fataawa Vol.2 Pg.89)
If it is more than a Dirham then it is Fardh to remove it and Salah
with this amount will be invalid and Qadha will need to be done.

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