Saturday, July 20, 2013

Discipline and Islam: Knowledge (Ilm) and Noble Character (Akhlaq) in Islam

Not only that discipline is a secret of the success of great men, our
universe also stands on the same foundation. If the solar system is
working regularly, if the stars are revolving around the
sunsystematically and if there is no flaw function for millenniums it
is only due to the fact that the solar system is based on order.
Order is found in everything around us from the largest bodies of the
universe to the minutest thing called"atom". Everything in this world
is made up of tiny atoms. A wonderful discipline is in action andit is
seen in each and every movement of the universe. There are tiny atoms
in every system.
Every atom has its own center, which is called 'proton'. Many
'electrons' move round the center like stars and moons. In the words
of a great Muslim scholar: "If you tear up the heart of everyatom you
will find its sun in its center."
The universe is the best guide for all of us. We should learn about
life and the causes and reasons of its stability and success from it.
This universe tells that: "The secret of my survival is the regularity
and orderliness which my Creator has ingrained in me."
If the educational system of any country becomes chaotic, if the trade
and economy of any nation is disturbed, if the balance of supply and
demand is upset, if the law and order of any country turns corrupt, if
the army gets out of control the end of that nation becomes certain.
When Imam Ali (pbuh), Commander of the Faithful, was fatally injured
by the sword of Ibne Muljim, the first bequest uttered by him to his
sons, after advisingthem to refrain from Allah's (SWT) disobedience,
was regarding this orderliness in every affair: "I advise you to
refrain from disobeying Allah (SWT) and to abide by law and order and
regularity in life."
One of the ways of orderliness is to divide our daily time according
to our needs. Doing everynecessary work in its proper time is life. We
should further this foundation of life. We must refrain from
disorderliness and indiscipline because irregularity ends propriety
and destroys our talent and competence.
The leader of the God-fearing people, Imam Ali (pbuh) says, "A Muslim
must divide his timeinto three parts. Onepart should be reserved for
Allah's (SWT) worship,one for earning livelihood and the third for
attending to the demands of the body which cannot be ignored."
If there was no orderliness or discipline in our past can we benefit
from such orderliness in the remaining years of our life?
"Certainly, we can ..." because the three stages of our life,
childhood, youth and old age are like three compartments of a ship
which can be separated from one another by pressing a button. If a
compartment is damaged it can be separated from the rest.
Only he is successful who can, using his wisdom, separate different
compartments of his life and deal whit them separately.
It is pitiable that man, instead of gaining from the present
opportunities, should remain sorrowful for his past, thus wasting the
time available to him andbecome careless about brining order in the
forthcoming time.
A competent minister was carrying out his administrative duties with
the help of his assistants.
When asked as to how hewas arranging his affairs he replied, "I never
postpone today's work for tomorrow. In my viewit is not correct to
delay anything."
We see signs in offices and workshops saying: Time is Gold. It
surprises me because the value of time becomes more than gold if
everything is donein time.

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