Sunday, July 14, 2013

Black Seed )Nigella sativa(: A cure for every disease

Abu Hurayrahnarrated that the Prophetsaid:"Use this Black Seed
regularly, because it is a cure for every disease, except
death."]Al-Bukhaari and Muslim[
What is the Black Seed?
Its botanical name is Nigella sativa. It is believed to be indigenous
to the Mediterranean region but has been cultivated into other parts
of the world including the Arabian peninsula, northern Africa and
parts of Asia.
The Black seeds originate from the common fennel flower plant)Nigella
sativa( of the buttercup)Ranunculaceae( family. It is sometimes
mistakenly confused with the fennel herb plant)Foeniculum vulgare(.
The plant has finely divided foliage and pale bluish purple or white
flowers. The stalk of the plant reaches a height of twelve to eighteen
inches as its fruit, theblack seed, matures.
The Black Seed forms a fruit capsule which consists of many white
trigonal seeds. Once the fruit capsule has matured, it opens up and
the seeds contained within are exposed to the air, becoming black in
The Black seeds are small black grains with a rough surface and an
oily white interior, similar to onion seeds. The seeds have
littlebouquet, though when rubbed, their aroma resembles oregano. They
have a slightly bitter, peppery flavor and a crunchy texture.
The Black Seed is also known by other names, varying between places.
Some call it black caraway, others call it black cumin, onion seeds or
even coriander seeds. The plant has norelation to the common kitchen
herb, cumin.
Muslims' use of the Black Seed:
Muslims have been using and promoting the use of the Black Seed for
hundreds of years, and hundreds of articles have been written about
it. The Black Seed has also been in use worldwide for over 3000 years.
It is not only a prophetic herb, but it also holds a unique place in
the medicine of the Prophet.
It is unique in that it was not used profusely before the Prophet
Muhammadmade itsuse popular. Although there weremore than 400 herbs in
use before the Prophet Muhammadand recorded in the herbals of Galen
and Hippocrates, the Black Seed was not one of the most popular
remedies of the time. Because of the way Islam has spread, the usage
and popularity of the Black Seed is widely known as a "remedy of the
Prophet." In fact, a large part of this herbal preparation's
popularity is based on the teachings of the Prophet.
The Black Seed has become very popular in recent years and is marketed
and sold by many Muslim and non-Muslim businesses.
The Black Seed is rich in nutritional values. It contain almost 40%
fixed oils and 1.4% volatile oils. It also contains around fifteen
amino acids, proteins, calcium, iron, sodium, and potassium. Among its
most effective compositions are thymoquinone, dithymoquinone,
thymohydroquinone, and thymol.The magazine Food Chemistry found the
Black Seed to be high in protein, carbohydrates, essential fatty
acids, vitamins A, B1, B2, C and niacin as well as calcium, potassium
and iron. These are the very nutrients that modern science has found
that we most lack. It also provides many of the same nutrients that
the FDA recommends to help prevent disease and slow down the aging
Dr. Michael Tierra, author of Planetary Herbology, also found the
Black Seed to be high in the above nutrients. In addition, he found a
remarkable number of sterols, especially beta-sitosterol,which is
known to have anti-carcinogenic properties. The Journal of American
Scientists reports that Black Seed has a number of useful properties
suchas antihistamine, antioxidant, antibiotic, antimycotic and
broncho-dilating effects.
The benefits and uses of the Black Seed:
The Black Seed is an excellent herb with many benefits and uses,
especially when it comes to maintaining a strong and healthyimmune
system.The prophetic reference in describing the Black Seed, as having
a healing for all illnesses is not exaggerated as it at first appears.
The Black Seed has been used for a variety of medical problems for
several thousand years. These uses rangefrom stomach aches to asthma,
cancer to coughs, and the traditional use as a spice. The Black Seed
is also used as: a carminative )rids the body of gas from the
intestines(, a digestive)aids in the digestion of foods(, a diuretic
)increases urine flow by ridding the body of excess water(, an
emmenagogue)promotes and regulates menstruation(, a
galactagogue)increases the production of milk(,a resolvent )dissolves
boils and swelling(, a stimulant )increases the flow of adrenaline and
energy(, a stomachic )relieves stomach disorders(, a
sudorific)increases perspiration(, a tonic)improves bodily functions(,
and a vermifuge )expels worms(. Caution should be taken when using the
black seed by pregnant or potentially pregnant women, as high doses of
this product could induce spontaneous abortions.
To insure that you are taking the Black Seed look for the words
Nigella Sativa. Only this plant, as opposed to true cumin or coriander
has the ability to "heal all diseases."
Research suggests that the Black Seed is an effective antitumor
treatment for certain types of cancer, including breast cancer and
fibrocystic breast disease. The Black Seed may also be of possible
benefit in treating high blood pressure. Except its potential to cause
spontaneous abortions )and only at high dosages(, there may be little
if any toxic side effects to using theBlack Seed.
Recent research has provided evidence that most illnesses arisebecause
of an imbalanced or dysfunctional immune system, which cannot perform
its primaryfunction of defending the body optimally. Researches also
indicate that the Black Seed contains an ability to significantlyboost
the human immune system - if taken over time.
The role of the Black Seed in increasing human immunity was not clear
before 1986, when Dr. Qaadi and his colleagues started a series of
researches in the United States. Afterwards, many researches were
launched in various countries. Dr. Qaadi proved that the use of the
Black Seed strengthens immunity since the ratio of the T assistant
lymph cells increased by an average of 72% compared to the restraining
cells. Also, there was a considerable development in the activity of
natural killer cells with an average of 74%.
The results of many modern researches supported the findings of Qaadi.
Amongst them are the results published by the International Immunity
magazinein August 1995 about the effect of black seed on the outer
lymph cells and the activity of white blood multi-nucleus cells. In
September 2000, the International Immunity magazinealso published a
research on the effect of the Black Seed oil in preventing
cytomegalovirus on laboratory rats. The Black Seed oilhas been tested
as an anti-virus substance and the immunity acquired during the early
stages of the disease was measured through determining the natural
killer cells and other things.
In October 1999, the European magazine of Cancer published an article
on the effect of thymoquinone on abdomen cancer in rats. Likewise, in
May 1998, a magazine specialized in anti-cancer researches published
an article on the extracts of the Black Seed as a treatment for cancer
tumors. On April 2000, the Ethanol Medical magazine wrote about the
toxicity and immunity effects of ethanol extracted from the Black
Seeds. Also, in February 1995, Medical Plants magazine published an
article on the effects of the Black Seed stable oiland thymoquinone on
white blood cells. Many other researches came out supporting these
More research is being done on the effectiveness of the Black Seed.
Research trials are also being planned in various countries to study
its actual effects on humans. However, we don't need to look any
further than the Prophet'swords that tell us there is healing in
thisplant. As long as we trust in Allaah and take the prescription His
Prophethas given us, we will all be evidence of this magnificent
plant's abilities to heal all diseases.
Nonetheless, more is needed to be learned about the appropriatedoses
of this herb for various medical problems. We pray that Allaah may
guide Muslim physicians to take a closer look atthis plant and begin
prescribing it for all of our physical ailments.
The Prophettold us that the Black Seed is a cure for every disease.
The Arabic word 'Shifaa')cure( came without the definite article which
means that it is an indefinite word that covers most cures. This means
that the Black Seed contributes to the cure of every disease. It has
been scientifically proved that the immunity system is the only system
that has the ability to combat diseases and produce cells that kill
Based on these facts, we can conclude that the Black Seed is a cure
for every disease because it strengthens the immunity system which is
responsible for curing diseases and combating viruses.
These scientific facts are obvious. No one can claim the credit of
knowing these facts fourteen centuries ago, except a Prophet. Allaah
Almighty Says )what means(:"Nor does he )the Prophet( speak of )his
own( inclination. It is not but a revelation revealed."]Quran 53: 3-4[

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