Bismillah (In the Name of Allah) is the start of all good things, so
we shall start with it. This blessed phrase is a mark of Islam,one
constantly recited by all creatures through their tongues of
disposition. If you want to perceive its inexhaustible source of
strength and blessing, consider the following allegory:
Travelers in Arabian deserts must travel undera tribal chief's name
and protection, or else they will be bothered by bandits and unable to
acquire what they need for the journey. Two people, one humble and the
other arrogant, set out on a journey. The humble one obtained thename
of a tribal chief; the arrogant one did not.The former traveled
everywhere in safety. Whenever he met a bandit, he said: "I'm
traveling in the name of this chief," and so was left alone. He was
treatedwith respect in every tenthe entered. In contrast, the arrogant
one suffered disaster and constant fear, for he had to struggle and
beg for every need. He became base and vile.
O arrogant soul! You are that traveler, and this world is the desert.
Your weakness and poverty are endless, and the enemies and privations
to which you are exposed are beyond number. Given this, invoke the
name of the Eternal Owner and the Everlasting Ruler of this world, for
only this can deliver you from such begging and fear.
Bismillah (In the Name of Allah) is a blessed treasure. It transforms
your boundless weaknessand poverty, by binding you to the Omnipotent
and Merciful One's infinite Power and Mercy,into the most heeded
intercessor at His Exalted Court. When you say Bismillah, you act in
His name. You are like a soldier acting in the state's name, fearing
no one, doing all things in the name of the law and the state, and
persisting against all odds.
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