Monday, July 15, 2013

Biographies - Imam Muslim

His name was Abul-Hussain Muslim-bin-Habaj al Nishapuri. He was born
in a distinguished family of Arab Muslims in Khorasanwhich. was a
famous town of Russia.Imam Muslimwas born in 817 A.D. corresponding to
theIslamic year 204 A.H. His forefathers occupied prominent positions
during the time of the four Caliphs. He travelled to many places with
the object of learning Hadith,and after completing his studies in the
various centres of learning, he settled at Nishapur. He spend the rest
of his life teaching Hadith.
Imam Muslimstarted his studies at the very early age of fourteen
years. In the year 218 A.H. the atmosphere in Nishapur, his
birthplace, was of a religious and knowledgetype. Nishapur had great
personalities in this period such as lmaam Rahiwe and lmaam
Zohri.After travelling widely in search of Hadith, he settled in
Nishapur as mentioned above.Imam Muslimwas much impressed by the vast
knowledge of Imaam Bukhari (R.A.), in the fieldof Hadith and the deep
insight he possessed on this subject. He therefore attached himself to
Imaam Bukhari (R.A.) up to the end of his life. Imam Muslim was also
an admirer of another great teacher of Hadith, Muhammed bin Yahya al
Dhuli. He attended his lectures regularly. He visited Baghdad several
times and had the opportunity of deliveringlessons there. His last
visitto Baghdad was two years before his death.
Imam Muslim (R.A.) apart from attending the lessons of Imaam
Bukhariregularly, also attended the lectures of lmaam Ahmad bin
Hambal, Abdullah al Qarri, Qutaibabin Said, Abdullah bin Maslama and
other great Muhadith.
Imam Muslim (R.A.'s) mostnoted students are Hatim Razi, Ahrnad bin
Salmah, Abu Isa Tinnizi, Abubaker bin Khuzaima and other great
Imam Muslim R.A. adhered strictly to the path of righteousness. Hewas
in fact a great saint of a very high calibre. His excellent character
can be well judged from the simple fact that he never ever indulged in
backbiting, a very common human failing. He had a remarkable memory.
Ishaq bin Rahwisaid of Imam Muslim; " I wonder what this personis
going to be?" This was said in his youth. Ishaq Kausar once addressed
lmam Muslim (R.A.) and said; "Your presence in the Muslim community
will always keep it in the good. " Abu Saimah who was a colleague of
lmam Muslim was so attached to him that while lmaam Sahib was busy
compiling the Sahih Muslim, he remained in lmaam Sahib's company for
fifteen years. He never told a lie nor did he ever use vulgar words.
Sheikh Abdul Latief says Imaam Tirmidhiand Imam Muslim were followers
of the Shafee school of thought, although they were both Mujtahids.
Moulana Abdur-Rashid says that Imaam Muslim was a Maliki. The fact is
what was said by Sheikh Tahir Jazari that Imam Muslim is not a Maliki
nor a Hanifi nor a Shafi, but hiscompilation of the sahih Muslim shows
that he was more inclined towards the Shafee school of thought.
Allamah Nabawi (R.A.) says that the Ummat haveaccepted the Bukhari
Shareef and Muslim Shareef as the Kitabs, which follow the Quraan,in
authenicity although the Bukhari is regarded as holding a higher
position than the Sahih Muslim for specific reasons, the sequence
applied in the Muslim is much better than that of Bukhari. It is known
as Al-Jamah as Sahih because it contains the eight different subjects
on Hadis.
Imam Bukhari(R.A.) concentrated his efforts on compilation of
authentic hadith as well as deduction of Laws from Hadith. This is the
most difficult part to understand in the Bukhari. How he deduced Laws
from the Hadis, Imam Muslim concentrated his efforts only on
compilation of authentic Hadith.

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