Friday, July 19, 2013

Abusing the environment: an Islamic perspective

Islam expresses great concern for the environment. A number of verses
in the Quran and the sayings of Prophet Muhammadhave addressed this
issue. Islam's solution to environmental problems lies in man's
adaptation of its guidance. Allaah has stated that He made all the
material objects on earth for man's use, not for his abuse.
Allaah Almighty has not prevented humankind from enjoying a luxurious
standard of living, but this should notbe maintained by damaging and
abusing natural resources. This is clearly stated in a number of
verses in the Quran. Allaah says )what means(:"But seek, through that
which Allah has given you, the home of the Hereafter; and)yet(, do not
forget your share of the world. And do good as Allah has done good to
you. And desire not corruption in the land. Indeed, Allah does not
like corruptors."]Quran 28:77[
The Quran and the Sunnah of Prophet Muhammadcontains instructions for
Muslims to preserve the environment, which includes not cutting down
trees unnecessarily. In this respect, Prophet Muhammadpointed out that
there are benefits in planting trees,which will last until the Day of
Judgment. This is illustrated in the saying of the Noble Prophet:"If
the Hour is imminent and anyone of you has a palm shoot )to plant( in
his hand and is able to plant it before the Hour strikes, then he
should doso and he will be rewarded for that action."
Allaah has ordained severe punishments for those who damage and abuse
natural resources. He says )what means(:"Eat and drink from the
provision of Allaah, and do not commit abuse on the earth, spreading
corruption."]Quran 2:60[
"Corruption has appeared throughout theland and sea by )reason of(
what the hands of people have earned, so He )i.e. Allaah( may let them
taste part of )the consequences of( what they have done that perhaps
they will return)to righteousness(."]Quran 30:41[
Ibn Mas'oodreports,"While we were on a journey with Allaah's
Messengerhe went a short distance from where we had encamped. There we
sawa small bird with two of its chicks and caught them. The bird was
fluttering when the Prophetcame back, so heasked, 'Who has distressed
it by taking its chicks ?' Then heasked us to return the chicks. There
we also sawan anthill and burnt it out. When the Prophetsaw that, he
asked, 'Who has burnt it?' When we informed him that we had done it,
he said, 'Onlythe Lord of fire has the right to punish with fire.'
Allaah says in the Quran)what means(:"And there is no creature on )or
within( the earth or a bird that flies with its wings except that they
are nations)communities( like you."]Quran 6:38[
We infer from the Prophet's statement and this Qur'anic verse that
allliving things are partnersto man in existence and they deserve our
respect. We must be merciful toward animals and strive to ensure the
preservation of different species.
Islam forbids wasting water and using it without benefit. The
preservation of water forthe nourishment of humankind, animal life,
bird life and vegetation is a practice that gains Allaah's pleasure.
In his article "Islam and the Environment," Arafat El Ashi, director
of the Muslim World League in Canada, ][
writes,"Human life is sacred in the sight of Islam. No oneis permitted
to take the life of another person except as life-for-life."
Under Islam, El Ashi states, "It ]is[ incumbent on every Muslim to
contribute his/her share in improving greenery. Muslims should be
active in growing more trees for the benefit of all people." Even
during battle, Muslims are required to avoid cuttingdown trees that
are useful to people.
Humankind's stewardship of the earth entails a profound
responsibility. Other living species, as mentioned above, are also
considered by Allaah to be "communities". Creation itself, in its
boundless diversity and complexity, may be thought of as a vast
universe of "signs" of Allaah's Power, Wisdom, Beneficence and
Majesty. The responsibility of humankind is to keep Allaah's creation
undistorted. The environment is a trust presented by Allaah to
humankind and its abuseis a misuse of Allaah's trust.

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