Wednesday, June 26, 2013


SOME creatures undergo physicalchanges to allow them to survive and
adapt to different natural conditions at different times. This process
is known as metamorphosis. People with insufficient knowledge of
biology and evolutionist claims also sometimes try to portray the
process as evidence for the theory of evolution. Those sources which
cite metamorphosis as "an example of evolution" are superficial,
narrow-based works of propaganda which seek to mislead those who do
not possess sufficient information on the subject, juvenile
evolutionists, or a few ignorant Darwinist biology teachers.
Scientists who are considered experts on evolution, and who thus know
more about the dilemmas and contradictions inherent in the theory,
hesitate to even refer to this ridiculous claim. That is because they
knowhow senseless it is…
Some creatures that undergo metamorphosis: the frog, the butterfly,
the bee, the mosquito.Butterflies, flies, and bees are some of the
best-known creatures that undergo metamorphosis. Frogs, which start
life in water and then live on land, are another example. This has
nothing to do with evolution, because the theory tries to account for
the differentiation between living things in terms of chance
mutations. Metamorphosis, however, bears no similarity at all to that
claim, being a pre-planned process which has nothing to do with
mutation or chance. It is not chance that brings metamorphosis about,
but genetic data which are built-in in the creature from the moment it
is born. The frog, for example, possesses the genetic information to
allow it to live onland while it is still living underwater. Even
while still a larva, the mosquito possesses the genetic information
regarding its pupa and adult states. The same thing applies to all
creatures that undergo metamorphosis.
Metamorphosis is evidence for creationPeople who try to portray
metamorphosis as "evidence of evolution" know nothing about biology
and the theory of evolution. Metamorphosis is a "planned change"
encoded inside genetic information, and bears no similarity to
evolution, which means "coincidental change." Metamorphosis is an
example of "irreducible complexity," and is evidence that disproves
Recent scientific research into metamorphosis has shown that it is a
complex process controlled by different genes. As regards the
metamorphosis of the frog, for instance, the relevant processes in the
tail alone are controlled by more than a dozen genes. This means that
this process comes about thanks to several components working
together. This is a biological process that bears thefeature of
"irreducible complexity," which shows that metamorphosis is proof of
Prof. Michael Behe"Irreducible complexity" is a concept that has been
given its place in the scientific literature by Professor Michael
Behe, a biochemist who is known for his research proving the
invalidity of the theory of evolution. What it means is that complex
organs and systems function by the working together of all the
component parts that make them up, and that if even the smallest part
ceases to function,so will the whole organ or system. It is impossible
for such complex structures to have emerged by chance, with tiny
changes over time, as the theoryof evolution maintains. That is what
happens in metamorphosis. The process of metamorphosis happens through
exceedingly sensitive balances and timings in hormones which are in
turn affected by different genes. The creature will pay for even the
tiniest error with its life. It is impossible to believe that such
acomplex process could have come about by chance and by stages. Since
even a tiny error will cost the animal its life, it is impossible to
speak in terms of a "trial and error mechanism," or natural selection,
as evolutionists maintain. No creature can hang around for millions of
years waiting for its missing components to come about by chance.
Bearing this fact in mind, it is also apparent that the subject
constitutes no evidence at all forevolution, as some people who are
ill-informed about metamorphosis assume it to do.On the contrary, when
the complexity of the process and the systems that control it are
taken into consideration, animals which undergo metamorphosis can be
seen to be clear evidence for creation.

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