Monday, June 24, 2013

What lies behind the "extraterrestrial" thesis?

As we have seen, the theory thatlife on Earth was begun by
extraterrestrials has no scientificbasis to it. No discoveries have
been made to confirm or support it. However, when the scientists who
put forward the suggestion began to look in thatdirection, they did so
because they perceived one important truth.
The truth in question is that a theory that seeks to explain life on
Earth as being the result of chance is no longer tenable. It has been
realised that the complexity revealed in the life forms on Earth can
only be the product of intelligent design. In fact, the areas of
expertise of the scientists who sought the origin of life in outer
space give a clue as to their rejection of thelogic of the theory of
Both are world-renowned scientists: Fred Hoyle is an astronomer and
bio-mathematician, and Francis Crick a molecular biologist.
Claims that the origin of life could lie in space, or even
"extraterrestrials," are nothing more than science fiction. No
concrete evidence can be supplied to back them up, and news and
comments on the subject just consist of speculation that "it could
have happened." In fact, these scenarios are quite impossible. Even if
we assume that some organic compounds were carried to Earth by
meteors, it is a chemical, physical, and mathematical fact that these
compounds could not have given rise to life by themselves. The fantasy
that life on Earth could have been created by "extraterrestrials" is a
ploy by means of which evolutionists tryto avoid admitting the
existenceof God, since life cannot be explained by chance. But this is
totally meaningless, too, because the "extraterrestrial" thesis just
takes the question one step back, and leads to the question: "Who
created the extraterrestrials?" Reason and science lead us to an
Absolute Being who created us and all living things, though He Himself
was not created and has existed forever. That means God, the Creator
of everything.
One point which needs to be considered is that those scientists who
look to outer space to find the origin of life donot actually make any
new interpretation of the matter. Scientists such as Hoyle,
Wickramasinghe, and Crick began to consider the possibilitythat life
came from space because they realised that life could not have come
about by chance. Since it was impossible for life on Earth to have
begun by chance, they had to accept the existence of a source of
intelligent design in outer space.
However, the theory put forwardby them on the subject of the origin of
this intelligent design is contradictory and meaningless. Modern
physics and astronomy have revealed that our universe originated as
aresult of a huge explosion some 12-15 billion years ago known as"The
Big Bang." All matter in theuniverse came about from that explosion.
For this reason, any idea that seeks the origin of life on Earth in
another matterbasedlife form in the universe has to explain in turn
how that form oflife came into existence. The meaning of this is that
such a suggestion does not actually solve the problem, but takes it
one step further back. (For moredetail, see Harun Yahya's books The
Creation of the Universe and Timelessness and The Reality of Fate).
Inanimate matter + Time = Millions of complex living species
The above formula is the shortest way of expressing the theory of
evolution. Evolutionistsbelieve that inanimate and unconscious
collections of atomsand molecules came together and organised
themselves over time, finally becoming alive and turning into millions
of exceedingly complex and perfectliving species. This superstition is
backed up by no known physical or chemical law. On the contrary, the
laws of physics andchemistry show that time has a "disorganising,
destructive" effect, not an "organising" one (the Second Law of
Thermodynamics). Actually, the "time" factor is nothing but a
deception used by evolutionists to take their theory out of the field
of observation. Since no "evolutionary process" which creates new
living things can be observed in nature, evolutioniststry to gloss
over this fact by saying: "Yes, evolution cannot beobserved, but it
may have taken place over the previous millions of years." This claim
is also torn down by the fossil record, whichshows that no
evolutionary process ever happened.
As we have seen, the thesis that "life came from outer space" does not
support evolution, but is a view that reveals the impossibility of
evolution and accepts that there can be no other explanation for life
than intelligent design. The scientists who suggested this began with
a correct analysis but then went down a false road, and started the
silly search for the origin of life in outer space.
It is obvious that the concept of "extraterrestrials" cannot account
for the origin of life. Even if we accept for one moment the
hypothesis that "extraterrestrials" actually exist,it is still clear
that they could nothave come into being by chance,but must themselves
be the product of intelligent design. (That is because the laws of
physics and chemistry are the same everywhere in the universe, and
they make it impossible for life to emerge by chance.) This shows that
God, Who is beyond matter and time, and possesses infinite might,
wisdom, and knowledge, created the universe and everything in it.
1. Massimo Pigliucci, Rationalistsof East Tennessee Book Club
Discussion, October 1997

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