Saturday, June 22, 2013

The original of the matter created in the brain: you must first read this to see the artistry of Allah!

A mighty waterfall tumbling down from on high, the boundless oceans
and the glorious, stunning mountains are all matchless works of Allah.
The stars, clouds, birds and fish are all His miracles. Most people
are in no doubt that a green forest that blossoms once again,grows and
flourishes in the spring is one of the beautiful and glorious works of
Some people, however, regard skyscrapers, airplanes,
laboratories and computers rather differently. The fact that these are
made and built by human beings deceives them. They imagine that
technology, civilization, scientific and technical progress are
independent of Allah (Allah forbid) and forget that the human beings
who are instrumental in their coming into existence are also created
by Him. They fail to think that Allah, Who has made clouds the cause
of rain and the Sun the cause of light, has also made man the cause of
technology and civilization. They make the error of thinking that
human beings have a power independent of Allah (Allah forbid) and that
human beings invented the Internet, that human beings cause planes to
fly, that human beings invented the tea spoon or biro, that human
beings build space craft and that human beings discovered the forces
responsible for keeping planes aloft. They imagine that plasma TVs, CD
players, carpets, lampshades, cars and the products of advanced
technology all appeared as the result of human intelligence
They make a terrible error in not regarding these as the artistry of
Allah, and forget that He created them out of His mercy.
The fact is, however, that all these things, just like theseas, trees,
flowers, fruits, the Sun and the boundless mountains, are all works of
Allah. Allah in His mercy makes human beings the cause of all these
things listed above. Allah has given human beings the intelligence and
ability for this. Our Lord inspired them to discover these things. But
it is certain that Allah has the power to have created them with no
direct cause.
And everything we see is in fact CREATED "SPECIALLY FOR US" AND
"INDEPENDENT OF NATURAL CAUSES" as Allah's sublime artistry.
In order to understand this, we need to know that the matter we see
and touch is an image created inour brains, that it is specially
created for us, specially and moment by moment, and that we can never
have direct experience of the originals on the outside.

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