Thursday, June 27, 2013

The Nikah Has Many Benefits And Is A Protection From Fornication

TheNikahis from the ways of Allah with regardto his creation, between
the children of Adam, male and female.
With it there are great benefits, from them: chastity of the two
spouses, one to the other; to fulfill what is required from the
husband towards his wife; the husband taking care of his wife; and
protecting her. From it is also the fulfilling of the desires of both
sexes and from it is having children.There are many benefits
The most important thingis that it keeps you chastefrom adultery, from
fornication and the loss of lineage, and from the corruption of moral
uprightness. There is the protection of one's health.
As for adultery and fornication then their end place is in epidemics
and in lethal illnesses, as is well-known.
وَلَا تَقْرَبُوا الزِّنَا إِنَّهُ كَانَ فَاحِشَةً وَسَاءَ سَبِيلًا ٣٢
And come not near to unlawful sexual intercourse. Verily, it is
aFahishah[i.e. anything that transgresses its limits(a great sin)],
and an evil way (that leads one to Hell unless Allah forgives him).
[Surah Al-'Isrā':32]
With it there is the loss oflineage, the spread of illnesses, the loss
of modesty and chastity. With it there are great harms; fornication,
we seek refuge with Allah, what an evil way. The harms of fornication
are not limited.
WithNikah, there is a protection from fornication and from its harms,
and all praises aredue to Allah.Nikahproduces offspring. As
forfornication then it is a loss. The offspring from fornication have
no father and no lineage, and we seek refuge with Allah. Lost… This is
from the disadvantages of fornication.
He (Allah) didn't say don'tfornicate, he said don't come close to it,
'don't come near to it', i.e. stay away from the means that lead to
fornication. Such as: looking, the seclusion with a man, thetraveling
of the woman by herself, her showing off her beauty. These are means
that lead to fallinginto fornication. Allah hasnot allowed them, he
hasprohibited them.
If there is leniency in these means then fornication will take place.
If there is leniency in these means then fornication will take place,
because the desires are present. Desires are present between men and
women. If they sat together and mixed then fornication is
close.Shaytaanis present, if a man secluded himself with a woman,
thenshaytaanis the third one amongst them.
They say you have bad thoughts and that you are pessimists. We are not
pessimists, this is the reality. This is the reality and if these
means that Allah has prohibited are violated, then fornicationwill
occur, no doubt.
Even the righteous man, the religious one, there isa danger upon him
from the woman. Especially if she was beautiful and he secluded
himself with heror traveled with her or she joined him at work. Or if
she sat with him in the classroom, or in an exam, or in meetings. Or
if she sat with him on thetelevision, or on the radio, as his
colleague, i.e. a presenter next to him, and she is beautified and he
is a youth. Far is Allah from allimperfections. Do you bring petrol
next to fire? Petrol is by itself and the fire is by itself. You bring
her next to him! This is like that; no it is worse than petrol and
Desires… we seek refuge with Allah, desires are strong. So for this
reason Allah (the Exalted, Most High), has placed barriersthat prevent
falling in to fornication. If they are preserved, fornication is
lessened or cut-off. If they are lost, then fornication will occur
without a doubt. No matter what, even if theyare religious or modest,
the children of Adam are not saved from fornication except by the
means that prevent it.

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