Tuesday, June 25, 2013

The execution of Khubayb bin 'Adiyy

The following is an incident that occurred during the era of the
Prophetand which exemplifies the great sacrifices that his
companionsmade for the sake of this religion.
The execution ofKhubaybhasbeen detailed in many books. Onesuch report
is whereAbu Hurayrahreported:"Allaah's Apostleonce sent a batch of ten
men as spies under the leadership of 'Aasim bin Thaabit Al-Ansaari,
who was the grandfather of 'Aasim bin 'Umar bin Al-Khattaab. They
proceeded until they reached Hadaa, which is an area between 'Asfaan
and Makkah, and news of their arrival there reached a branch of the
tribe of Huthayl named Bani Lihyaan. From this tribe, about
two-hundred men, who were all archers, hurriedly pursued their tracks
until they found the location where they had eaten the dates that they
had brought with them from Madeenah. Whenthey got there, they said:
'These are the dates of Yathrib )i.e. Madeenah(,' and continued
following the tracks. When 'Aasim and his companions saw their
pursuers, they climbed up to a high location, and the infidels
encircled them. The infidels said to them: 'Come down and surrender;
we promiseand guarantee to you that we will not kill any of you.'
'Aasim bin Thaabit, who was the leader of the group, said: 'I swear by
Allaah that we will not come down to be under the protection of
infidels. O Allaah! Convey our news to Your Prophet.' Then, the
infidels began throwing arrows at them until they martyred 'Aasim
along with six other men. The remaining three men were again reassured
by the infidels and given a guarantee that they would not be killed,
which they accepted, and then they came down. These three men were
Khubayb bin 'Adiyy Al-Ansaari, Zayd bin Dathinnah and another man.
When they came down however, the infidels captured them, undid the
strings of their bows, and tied them up with these strings. The third
)of the captives( exclaimed: 'This is the first betrayal. I swear by
Allaah that I will not come with you. There is no doubt that they
)i.e., his martyred colleagues( have seta good example for us.' So,
they dragged him and tried to compel him to accompany them, but as he
refused, they killed him. They then took Khubayb and Ibn Dathinnah
with them and sold them )as slaves( in Makkah )and all this took
place( after the battle of Badr. Khubayb was bought by the sons of
Al-Haarith bin 'Aamir bin Nawfal bin 'Abd Manaaf. It was Khubayb who
had killed Al-Haarith bin 'Aamir at the battle of Badr. So, Khubayb
remained a prisoner with those people."]Al-Bukhaari[
The sons ofAl-Haariththe infidel boughtKhubaybin order to execute him
and thereby avenge their father's death. They kept him captive until
they decided when the execution would take place. While hewas held
captive, he borrowed a razor from one of the daughters ofAl-Haarith,
as in the following narration:Abu Hurayrahnarrated:"The daughter of
Al-Haarith said: 'When the people gathered )to execute Khubayb( he
borrowed a razor from me so that he could shave his pubic hair. He
also took a son of mine who had come to him while I was unaware. I saw
him placing my son on his thigh while the razor was in his hand. I was
so terrified that Khubayb noticed this from my face. He said: 'Are you
afraid that I will kill him? No! I would never do so.' I swear by
Allaah that I have never seen a finer prisoner than Khubayb. I swear
by Allaah that I once saw him eating of a bunch of grapes that was in
his hand whilst he was in iron chains, and there wasno fruit at that
time in Makkah – it was nothing except provision provided by Allaah to
him. When they took him outside the Sanctuary )of Makkah( to kill him,
Khubayb requested them to allow him to offer two Rak'ahs )units of
prayer(. They gave him permission, and he did so. Then, he said to
them: 'Had I not fearedthat you would think that I was afraid )of
being executed(, I would have prolonged the prayer. O Allaah! Kill
them all, without exception.' Then 'Uqbah the son of Al-Haarith got up
and executed him. Therefore, it was Khubayb who set the tradition for
any Muslim sentenced to death in captivity to offer a two-Rak'ah
prayer )before being executed(. Later on, when some infidels of the
Quraysh were informed that 'Aasim had been killed, they sent some
people to fetch a part of his body )i.e. his head( by which he would
be recognisable. )This was because( 'Aasim had killed one of their
chiefs on the day )of the battle( of Badr. However, a swarm of wasps
resembling a shady cloud were sent to hover over 'Aasim and protect
him from their messenger, and thus they could not cut off anything
from his flesh.'"]Al-Bukhaari[
Overall, this story is about the battle ofAr-Rajee', which took place
at the end of the thirdHijriyear. The reason why this group,
with'Aasimas its chief, was dispatched was that the Prophetwished to
send them on an exploration mission to check upon the tribe ofQuraysh.
Their movements were discovered by the disbelievers from the tribe
ofLihyaanwho pursued them. These ten Companionsheaded by'Aasim,reached
the area ofAr-Rajee'just before dawn and ate dates which they had
brought with them fromAl-Madeenah. They dropped the seeds of the dates
unintentionally, as they were endeavouring to cover any trace of
theirs; as a matter of fact, this is why they were travelling at night
and settling during the day,lest anyone would see them and, therefore,
blow the cover on their mission.
However, the decree of Allaah must be fulfilled always, and it was
decreed that some of these Companions would be killed as martyrs.
Thus, these seeds fell from them and they were discovered.
A woman from theHuthayltribe who was grazing her flock of sheep
reached the location where they had eaten and discovered the date
seeds. These seeds were smaller than what people were used to in that
area, and so she immediately realised that these seeds must have been
from the dates ofAl-Madeenah. She therefore rushed to her tribesmen to
inform them.
The men went to where she found the seeds and began tracing the hoof
prints of the horses until they reached them. These Companionswere
taken by surprise when the men arrived and encircled them, so they
resorted to a high area, which seemed to be better for defending
themselves, but this tribe was known for their excellence in archery.
The disbelievers began negotiating with them and tried to deceive them
by promising them security and pledging not to harm them. The leader
of the group refused to accept this and justified his position by
stating that these disbelievers had no fear of Allaah and would
therefore have no problem in breaching their promise and pledge; so he
fought until hewas martyred along with six of his companions.
'Aasim bin Thaabitsaid before his death:"O Allaah! Convey our news to
Your Prophet."Allaah fulfilled the invocation of'Aasim bin Thaabit. On
that very day on which he was martyred, the Prophetinformed his
companions with the news of what had happened to them.
After these men betrayed the three remaining Companions, one of them
refused to go with them and was therefore killed by them. The
remaining two were then taken toMakkahas these men knew that
theMakkanswereenraged by the Muslims and would therefore easily buy
any of them who had been captured.
The sons ofAl-Haarith,who was killed byKhubaybwaited until the sacred
months had completed, then they took him outside the sacred sanctuary
in order to execute him. During the time he was imprisoned, he was
initially mistreated, until he said to his captors:"Honourable and
dignified people do not treat their prisoners this way."This made them
stop and treat him decently; they also appointed a woman )one of their
sisters( to guard him.
Khubayb,requested a razor to shave his pubic hair with. While the
guard woman was unaware, her son walked up to him and sat on his lap,
which terrified the woman. In normal cases, a person would have used
this as a means of getting back atthose who were imprisoning him, or
use the situation in order to free himself, but as a Muslim, this is
not permitted, as this boy had not committed any crime.
AfterKhubaybprayed the twoRak'ahshe supplicated against his captors,
as in one of the narrations:"O Allaah! Destroy them all, kill them,
scatter them, and do not leave a single one of them."In another
narration, there is the addition:"O Allaah! I do not have anyone to
convey mySalaam to Your Messenger, so convey my Salaam to
him."Therefore the angelJibreelconveyed the news ofKhubaybto the
There are many benefits and lessons that can be derived from this
story, such as:
·The great sacrifice that these Companions made, despite the dangerous
predicament they were in. They went on this mission for the sake of
Allaah whilst knowing that it was a verydangerous one.
·The scholars differed regarding the permissibility of surrenderingto
one's enemies.Those who hold that it is permissible state that one is
nevertheless not to surrender unlesshe foresees a benefit from
surrendering; otherwise, he has to resist until he is killed.
·A Muslim is not allowed to kill the children of the disbelievers.
·TheKaraamaat)i.e. supernaturalevents or abilities( of the devout and
pious are means that Allaah facilitates to support them, such as the
grapes thatKhubaybwas eating off season, as well as the bees that
protected the body of'Aasim. Another one of theseKaraamaatis the news
of these Companions reaching the Prophetthat same day. Also, in some
battles in Islaamic history, the Muslim army's horseswere enabled by
Allaah to walk on the surface of the sea. One might ask if there is a
difference between theseKaraamaatand the actions of magicians, or are
they consideredKaraamaatalso? The answer is thatKaraamaatareonly
granted to people who are devoutly obedient to Allaah, who adhere to
His commands, have sound faith, and who refrain from His prohibitions.
Conversely, magicians associate with Allaah in worship and have
corrupt faith; they deal with the devils and never pray, and some of
them also consume intoxicants and commit adultery and fornication. One
should not be deceived by these people and their acts, even if they do
perform certain supernatural feats, because theDajjaal)antichrist(
will also have supernatural abilities despite being a disbeliever. A
pious person to whom certain supernatural powers are granted would not
openly inform others about them; he would conceal these matters in the
fear that his intention would become corrupted and that he would
therefore fall into ostentation. Quite the opposite of this is whatthe
magicians do; they love to show such feats to others and always
exaggerate their abilities. Additionally, in most cases, the
supernatural abilities that these people claim are the result of
assistance from jinns, such as when they are able to stab themselves
with knives, strike their heads with axes, and so on, without
inflicting any harm upon themselves.
·Allaah tests His slaves however, whenever and with whatever He
pleases. Having ten Companions killed is not an easy matter to endure,
but Allaah is the All Wise,although people do not comprehend the
wisdom behind His actions; Allaah Says what means:"..And ]that He may[
take to Himself from among you martyrs…"]Quran 3: 140[ Allaah wished
to honour these people by granting them martyrdom andadmitting them
into Paradise, and this is certainly superior to remaining alive.
Remaining alive entails continuously struggling inthis life, whilst
after martyrdom aperson would enjoy an eternal joyful life; his grave
would be illuminated and he would have a gate from Paradise opened
towards himself whilst still in his grave. Therefore, the love of
Allaah for His devout slaves is the reason for them leaving this life
as martyrs, as well as a way of Him honouring them.
·Shaving the pubic hair is one of the natural dispositions of the
human, and this is whatKhubaybwanted to do prior to being killed when
he requested the razor.
·Spying on the enemy before fighting a battle is something that the
Prophetwould do as it is a worldly means that should be utilised.
·A Muslim should be careful not to leave any trace behind him that
could lead his enemies to him.
·A Muslim should act with dignityand pride and should not surrender
himself to his enemies,just as'Aasimdid when he refused to go down and
surrender to the disbelievers.
·Strength lies in one mastering archery, or sniping in our time.`Uqbah
bin `Aamir Al-Juhanireported:"I heard the Messenger of Allaahsaying
from the pulpit,"Prepare to meet them )i.e. the enemy( with as much
strength as you can afford. Indeed strength is in archery, strength is
in archery, strength is in archery.""]Muslim[
·One should reflect the merits of Islaam by behaving nobly with
others.Khubaybdid so by notharming the woman's boy.
·Allaah provides for whom He wills, however He wills.
·The infidels ofQurayshhonouredthe sanctity ofMakkahand refused to
killKhubaybuntil they took him outside its boundaries, and after the
sacred months had finished. Quite the opposite of this is what some
contemporary Muslims do by following women inside the sacred mosque
)i.e.Al-Haram( and committing other prohibitions whilst in it, thereby
neglecting its sanctity.
·It is recommended to offer a twoRak'ahsprayer before being executed.
·It is recommended to supplicateagainst the disbelievers using
thewording thatKhubaybused. This is quite unlike those who suffer from
defeatism and spinelessness and who therefore propagate the notion of
'Interfaith', which states that all religions are from Allaah and
thatwe Muslims should therefore neither curse nor supplicate against
non-Muslims. They claim that we Muslims should not fight the
disbelievers, whilst Allaah Says what means:"Fight those who do not
believe in Allaah or inthe Last Day and who do not consider unlawful
what Allaah and His Messenger have made unlawful and who do not adopt
the religion of truth ]i.e. Islaam[ from those who were given the
Scripture - ]fight[ until they give the jizyah ]i.e. protection taxes
paid by the disbelievers[ willingly while they are humbled."]Quran 9:
29[ This call of Interfaith is a masonic one and is one of the worst
forms of disbelief. How canone dare to believe that those who claim
Allaah has a son, or that He is one of three )i.e. the trinity( are
the same as the Muslims? Muslims can never meethalf way with these
·A dead person is not harmed by what his enemies do to him afterkilling him.

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